Chatper Eleven

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"Mommy! Daddy! I miss you!"

"Hey kiddo!"

"Hey honey, how was school?" My mother picked me up into her arms.

"It was great! Me and Nick played tag today at recess!" I threw my arms up as I had a big smile across my face.

"That's great kiddo! Did you push him?" Father asked as he chuckled

We just laughed it off. It was a great day. Today was Valentine's Day and we had to give gifts to everyone and had a party! I got lots of candy hearts and cards from everyone. Mother carry me inside of the pet store as I looked around.

"Mommy! Can I play with a puppies!"

"Sure, but be safe"

I nodded as she let me down. I opened the door to the puppies box and closed it behind me. All of the puppies ran to me causing me to knock me over. I kept giggling at all the little kisses they gave me. I sat up as they moved away. Brushing myself off and grabbing their favorite ball; I softly tossed it to the other wall. Seeing them running made me happy.

I heard a knock and walked out of the puppies box. I looked up to see a tall man. His eyes where a bright, baby blue color. His skin was really tan, as his hair was in the way of his face. He kneel down to me.

"What are you doing here? You can't be here!" The man gripping my arm as I hissed at

After hearing him yelling at me, mom was standing behind me as my dad was behind the guy. Mother grabbed me away from the man as she picked me up into her arms.

"He is a bad man Y/n. He did bad things to our family.." mother spilled out the words

"What did he do?" I asked as I cock my head to the side.

(End of dream)

Waking up in sweat as I sat up. I looked down at myself as I was fully dressed and back in bed. I snap my head to the side to only see Chris cuddling up to me. I looked at the time. 02:06AM. I sighed as I shook my head. Carefully got out of bed, my legs didn't hurt as much as it did earlier. Scooping up Chris into my arms, carefully taking him back to his room.

  Laying him on the bed, I looked at him with a sniff smile. My arms wrapped around my stomach tightly, as I walked out of his room. Closing his door behind me only to turn around to find Micheal standing next to me.

  "Y/n, I can't sleep. These nightmares are getting to me badly." He looked up at me with his glossy eyes.

  "Alright buddy, let's get you back to bed." I sighed as he walked me to his room.

   He got onto his bed as I sat next to him. He lay his head on my lap as I sang the lullaby to him as I brushed his hair out with my fingers. These kids are something else. They are always kind to me since day one. They help take care, they obey whatever they are told. Looking down at Micheal's face, he was out. Carefully holding his head up and putting down on his soft pillows. I got up and walked out of his room, walking back into the guess room. I turned on the light and shut the door behind me. Scanning the room, noticing William was gone. I'd admit I had a small frown on my face. I turned off the lights and lay on the bed; closing my eyes once more.

Waking up the next morning, I felt someone shaking me. I opened my sleepy eyes to only find Micheal in the room. I looked at him confused. He explained to me that he wasn't feeling the best mood so he asked me if he could stay home. I just nodded as he left the room. Sitting up and swing my legs over the bed. I changed into something more comfortable for my liking. I walked out of the room as the cold air made me shiver. I walked down the stairs as I head into the kitchen; only to be greeted by Chris and Elizabeth sitting down at the Island and William making breakfast for the two.

"Good morning Mommy!" Elizabeth said as she turned her head at my way. I nodded and smile.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed mommy? " Chris cocked his head to the side

"I'm fine, I can walk.. kinda.." Saying as I walked over to the Island sitting next to Elizabeth. "William, Micheal did say he isn't feeling to well. He asked me if he could say home."

William, Chris and Elizabeth looked at me. All I could do is look back at them confused.

"He never takes school days off." William replied.

"He did say he was sick, William." I sighed "didn't you hear?"

  "Yes I did hear you, but still." He replied back as I rolled my eyes.

  I looked out through the sliding doors as the sun light shines in through the door. The gold and orange danced onto the kitchen and dining room. The sky had some blue and some pink dancing in the sky as well. I looked down at my arms only to see the hole closing up. I looked up at William.

  "How long was I out for, when you know." I trailed off as he turned around with two plates with pancakes; giving them to the kids.

   "A week, I kept visiting you everyday thinking how Henry fucked up badly. He knows only us know how to work them. He didn't listen." William bent over the Island counter as he was on the other side "but then I found you passed out in the bathroom. Also you was out for two days. I guess that week wasn't enough."

   "Good god. Also, did I. You know, flat lines?" I asked as his face had some more guilt built up.

   "Yes, you almost. The doctor was doing something I can't remember exactly but I sitting next to you; holding you hand then as I lay my head down onto of your hand." He said quietly "then your heart rate started to drop dramatically. I flipped out, don't get me wrong so I went a got someone as soon as we got back. Your lines was flat." He added "so they tried everything to bring you back but no luck for a couple seconds before the lines started to go up again.

  I turned my head to the side as I looked down.

   "It's my fault right?... by offering to work in that thing..?" I looked down at my hands as the scabs started to cover it.

   Turning my head to the side as the two youngest started to talk about some object, William put his index finger on the bottom of my chin as my head went back to look at him. His silver eyes didn't have it shine, it was dull. His eyes held a guilt that would be with him forever. I could tell he really did care and just didn't use me.

"Mommy and daddy is going to kiss!" Elizabeth shot her head to us

William let go of me and turned his head to the two.

"Alright, come on. Let's go to the car and drop you off." He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "And get ready Y/n."

"What about Micheal? Is he coming?"

"No, he's sick like you said."

The next thing I knew, they was out the door. I didn't want to step back in that place, what if the co-workers would keep asking me questions. Did I have to wear the uniform? So many dumb thoughts came over my head as I walked up the steps. I went back into the room and thew on a pear of jeans with small rips in the knees, throwing on a white long sleeves shirt as tucking it into the jeans; then I threw the uniform shirt on as I also tucked that into the jeans. Finishing the out with a black Belt as I put on my black converses. I walked out of the room as I was throwing my hair up into a bun.

I sighed as I heard the car pull up. Grabbing my keys off of the hook and rushed out of the front door. William waved as he was telling me to hurry, I quickly jumped into the passenger seat and we took off. It was a quiet car ride but it was nice. I just looked out the window, seeing other cars passing by. William broke the silent.

"Are you feeling better love?" He questioned

"Kinda, my body still feels heavy. I can walk too but not much." Even though I ran down the stairs.

"Ah, try taking a shower when we get back to the house." His eyes burns on my skin.

I moved my leg to sit on top of my other as I placed my hands in my lap. The sun was shining today. No rain nor any clouds in the blue sky.

"As soon as we get there...just head to the office. I got paper work to do anyways..."

"I've been waiting for this for so long " (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now