Chaptet Thridy- Six

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A few minutes of complete silence, Penny just nodded off and walk out of the house. Leaving Willam and (Y/n) to themselves.


(Willam Pov)

We sat at the kitchen table. There was no sounds, not even a sound of a mouse trying to get its food. The room felt as the world crashed down on it, taking the air away. All I could see was the pain in her eyes, how she just wanted to break-down. I placed my hand onto of her and squeezed it softly.

"Willam... " (Y/n) spoke softly through her sobs "can we..."

"Keep it?" I asked and getting a job out of the replay "of course we can dear."

I smiled softly to myself. It was going to be a tough one for (Y/n), just knowing what happened. Even what happened to my little boy as well. I explained we could clear out the guess room and make that the baby's room.

Then hearing giggles come from (Y/n).

"Dear, that's still times away, but I think it's cute. Tell me more!"

Feeling my face Turing into a nice sunburn also still having the smile. I continued to talk about it for awhile, loosing track of time. All I was trying to do was get her a little more comfortable, even explaining if she needed nor want anything; I was there to get for her. Hell, if she wanted me to stop going to work, I do it for her.


When Micheal and Elizabeth came home from school. I took both of the report cards that they had. I sighed and slapped my hand on my forehead. Elizabeth grades listed as;

English- B
History- C-
Science- F
Math- F
Gym- F
Arts- A-
Music- F

I just shook my head and I placed it on the kitchen table. Then reading Micheal made me want to punch a hole in the wall.

English- F
World History- F
Earth Science- F
Calculus- F
Auto Body- A+
French- F

All I did was keep my mouth shut before placing it on the table. I had a big smile on and crossed my arms, looking at both of them. Micheal looked confused so did Elizabeth. Then shaking my head and pinching my nose.

"Go upstairs and go study. No more video games, no phone, no going outside, no movie nights, nothing until those fucking grades go up.."

"Daddy, that's not fair! I tried!" Elizabeth cried out

"Really dad?! Ugh, you told us to only do things we liked, and I listen!" Micheal said

"Outside of school Micheal, not in school. I dropped out of high school, you guess are doing way more than me! Don't fuck it up.." I hissed

  They just nodded as they walked away. Keep telling them to have those grades up is stupid as hell, yet I want them to do better than I did. I sighed as in a horrible father state before the door bell ringed. I didn't even want to know it was the Teacher or not. Walking to the door, I swing it open to see a decent tall tan man with messy golden hair, sharp light brown eyes. He looked up at me with a frown.

  "Is uh, Rose here?" The man asked

   "Rose? Who that fuck is Rose.." I hissed before I felt a hand on my back then a figure next to me.

   I look over to see (Y/n) pale face, just like she seen the ghosts again. Moving my eyes up, the man was looking back in disbelief.

   "Oh, you know this little slut? That's pathetic.." the man spoke up.

    "What do you want John, can't you go?" (Y/n) had a bit of scared in her voice

   "This is the guy?" I asked and (Y/n) nod causing me to pull out a gun from my pants "I'm going to tell you once little boy, get the fuck out of here. If I see you standing up here with my pregnant wife, you aren't going to see the days go by.."

   John backed up a little bit before flipping us off. I smiled as I held the gun up more visible for him to see. Seeing him run was something. I found it- fun. I shut the door as putting the gun back in my pants. Turning around, (Y/n) looked pale yet her face was red.

   "Don't even think about that." I growled


    Dinner time came early as it felt. It was only September feeling more like November, the air only gets bitter everyday. We all just agreed to do a lazy day, take-out and a nice movie. We all sat on the floor next to each-other with a blanket over us while we ate and watch some kids movie (Y/n) picked out.

   Before long, Elizabeth and Micheal cleaned up the plates and the food, leaving us alone.

   "Why did you pick this movie" asking nicely

    "Because this my one movie I have no problem watching again! I really really love it!" (Y/n) looked at me with a sleepy smile

   I just nodded and smiled. Wrapping my arms around (Y/n) as she got closer. At the end of the movie we both sat there, asleep.

When I see that boy in anywhere, he ain't going to make it...

"I've been waiting for this for so long " (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now