Christmas Special

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It was the night before Christmas and the Afton family was doing great. (Y/n) and Elizabeth was doing some last minute baking for the big red jolly guy, Michael was fixing up the big red socks hanging next to the Christmas tree, Willam was finishing his last minute gifts.

Each of them was doing there own things. I was more focused on Willam and what he was doing. I was watching him and everything he did. I can see him yet he can't see me, kids write letters to me every year. I do my best do do them right.

I was William pulling out a tiny box out of his pocket. Looking confused and getting a closer look. A ring box? I had a big smile on my face seeing it. I could read he was nervous about something yet can't put a finger on it.

He opened the box and the ring shined bright. It a nice size diamond ring, was he?! Well, I don't know the answer but I did get startled when the door swing open. (Y/n) with her banking gloves, holding the hot cookie pan filled with all different kinds of cookies.

"I put the kids to bed dear, also I'm going to put some of these cookies and carrots on the tray. Just trying to make Elizabeth happy, you know." (Y/n) smiled and Willam did the same

"Well darling, let me finish wrapping these and I'll put them under the tree. You should get some rest, hell you been running around all day." Willam put the ring box in his pocket

"You're right dear, anyways, I love you and goodnight!"

(Y/n) turned around and left. Willam sighed as I shook my head, chuckling.

This could be a Christmas miracle....


The next morning, I came and visited the Afton house. Well not in personal but you know how. Elizabeth, Michael, Willam and (Y/n) was still in their pajamas, sitting around the tree. The adults giving the gifts to the two children.

   They was all happy. Elizabeth got the doll she was dreaming of and Micheal got a skateboard as he wanted. Plus with the few other things they wanted as well, then they opened the big red socks. Each was filled with small candy and toys.

   (Y/n) then gave the gifts for Willam. He opened all of them and they was just more dress shirts, pants and new shoes; also a long with a few other things. Willam just nodded as he kissed (y/n) on the forehead.

   The kids each made a face, taking all the gifts and candy, running upstairs into their rooms. (Y/n) sighed as she was trying to get up until Willam pulled her right back down. She turned her head, looking at him confused.

   "Look darling, I understand that this years was pretty messed up for the both of us. Mainly you though. And I just wanted to say thank you for everything you done, I know I'm a piece of shit with angry issues. I'm working on it you know, it's a bit harder than I expect." Willam cleared his throat "but since it was Christmas now and I had some time to think about it..."

   (Y/n) looked confused for a hot second until Willam pulled out a small box from his back pocket.

   "(Y/n), darling, I want to promise you. I will always help you through your darkest days. I want to be with You everyday, you have helped me on my days that I wanted to give out on life itself. Will you take this promise ring?."

   (Y/n) gasped softly as Willam opened the box. I gasped myself. It was diamond ring, and seeing tears fall from her face as she nodded. Willam smile got bigger as he put it on her own ring finger.

    Well, ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary people. That was the night or Christmas-eve and Christmas morning. I left after William have (Y/n) the ring. I hope they are together next year and might Upgrade to a bigger ring. Anyways, time for me to go back into my deep slumber.

     ~Santa Claus

{Hahaha! I couldn't leave you all hanging honestly, I couldn't come up with the new chapter. So instead I wrote this Special for you all!. Well, I hope you all have a nice Christmas and enjoy it while it last! Love you <3 }

&quot;I've been waiting for this for so long &quot; (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now