Chapter Nine

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Agony, suffering, affliction.... Those is all I felt in that moment. I knew I was going to die here. It was getting hard to breathe in this room, as if someone was sucking it away from you. My throat burned, my chest got tighter and tighter by the seconds passing by. Could I be saved? No, I don't think I could. He put me here, he wanted me dead. He had enough of me so he never showed up. All I could do was scream for someone to hear me. I couldn't move, yet shaking in the golden bunny suit. I remembered I screamed one last time before I couldn't anymore. My breath was taken away from me.

This Agony I was feeling, no words could describe it. Not even the best, smartest people could. My eyes got blurry. I knew I was loosing consciousness. My eyes flicked at the door as it swinger wide open. There stood two tall men. I couldn't breathe. The figures got closer. William and Mr.H....

"Come on love, keep awake for me. HENRY CALL 911 DAMNIT!"

That was the last thing I heard before going unconscious.
















  Blackness... that's all I could say. It was cold here, not cold; numbing. It was numbing. I couldn't bare to be alive? I didn't understand what was going on. I couldn't move my body, everything felt heavy on me. The thing I could was just hear... hearing people talking, crying, yelling, guilt talking... I heard things also making some kind of sounds. Couldn't place a finger on it. My eyelids wouldn't let me open them up. I wanted to howl at this pain as my lungs started to fire.

   I needed to know what was going on. I needed to know what happened to the others. are they ok? Are they safe? Was it just me that got badly hurt? I needed to be strong, I needed to let them know I'm still here. Maybe if I move a toe or a finger they would know. This body was weak to move or do anything. Feeling a warm touch of my hand, I wanted to tap it. Who ever it was, I wanted to tap it so they know I'm alive. I couldn't die or feel dead yet.

  Thinking hard enough of thinking what I could do. At this point was nothing, my poor little heart. Something shook my arm.

"Mommy.. wake up!"

"Mommy come on! Please be alive.."

"Y/n please don't go...."

"Kids, let her rest. I know she can hear you guy.. she can't respond."

The room was filled of crying people. I wanted to spring up and give them a hug, but then as I thought all hope was lost. I finally was able to move my weak fingers to tap the person hand.

"Y/n?... do that again..."

"Micheal stop fucking around!"

"Dad I didn't do it, JUST LOOK!"

I weakly tap my finger on the hand again before giving up. After a couple minutes of silence, I slowly opened my heavy eyelids. I scanned the room. White room? A doctor? Tubes in my mouth? Things in my hand and arms? William. Chris. Elizabeth. Micheal.... I felt tears stinging my eyes. This hurts so fucking bad. Seeing them helpless and my pain. No body would be in this much pain...I tried to speak but William shook his head.

"I've been waiting for this for so long " (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now