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The one thing that honestly makes me not to work on this book is people pointing out the mistake I know I fucked up on. I get it honestly, yeah it might piss most people off, it might me look dumb, it is what it is.

Military Time Mistake-

Look, I get this one about how much I fucked up on. I do, I WAS trying to learn it back that time when I started on the book. Me not knowing it every well, I messed up. 100% on me, no body else. So don't point that out.

Even/C.C name Mistake-

Evan goes by a shot tones of names going from "Chris" , "C.C" , "Crying Child," ECT. I didn't know better until my recent "PLEASE READ" chapter. I always heard people say Chris so I went with it. Turn out, I was using the "wrong name".

   Grammar/ Spelling Mistakes-

   Everyone fucks up on that. Honestly. I have a hard time reading and writing shit down. So if there is any, don't put it on me..


   I don't know how to Spell his name right, if you actually read supper close to the name; you will find i spelled it two different fucking ways because I forgot what way it is spelt. No judge.


   This book isn't supposed to be sweet nor nice. The plot is an dangerous plot. There might be some good parts or Sex parts; that doesn't mean the reader is messing with a dangerous Plot with dangerous.

The Aftons-

   Honestly, many people will not like this or maybe won't even care. In the story, we have a special person coming up for a "family" night. Now you might know this guy, and my name should leave the answer. William Afton and the guy are both twin brothers.

  The Kills-

  I'm leaving a large amount to the kills, now the missing children will come up but not the reader finding the bodies yet. Nor seeing Willam kill them. I will look up the professional names of the children so I don't fuck up anymore names that I have. (LMFAO)

   The bots-

  NO I DO NOT KNOW WHO TO SPELL THAT FUCKING WORD OUT?! So I use bots instead to make my life easy. Now, you don't think I read the comments and the couple comments I got Well- meh. I do want I want to do in the book! If any books I make, it will stay in that group/fandom. Anyways, the boys are actually heavily aggressive to the reader and the reader only. The boys do go after William and the "night guards". But not as bad as you think. The main reason for that is—

  The ghosts-

  The ghost are the main things in the Bots, controlling them and more. So with the reader being the way the reader is, it triggers them; thinking that (Y/n) did something to them as well.

DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THIS PERSONAL?! PLEASE, I'm getting tired of the same comments I get for a mistake :((


The Smut-

    I try my best on them, honestly. The reason it is always in no body Pov. Is I work better with stuff like that. I got more of those chapter later on in the book. Trust me ;)

  The update-

   I love you y'all I do but sometimes I can not put out a chapter on most days. I try to make it good as I can honestly. Yeah, there is silly mistakes, yeah I won't update for a couple weeks to almost a month. I have a busy life. Going to school for 7-8 hours and working 5-7 hours, I'm a very busy person! So I would always work on the chapter on my days off of work or on my break at work! Hell, I love y'all so Fucking much, I Skip my welding class in the bathroom and write!

   I love you y'all, do NOT EVER FORGET! I do deeply, no matter what you do nor what happened! You are always loved by me <33333

New chapter is coming really really soon. I just had to get that off. Do not take anything personally, please? If you do, I'm deeply deeply sorry for it..



&quot;I've been waiting for this for so long &quot; (William Afton x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now