* seven *

475 9 1

smut warning !
"arch yo back, we gotta hurry" connie pulled his sweats and boxers down causing his dick to slap his stomach, i bent over and arched my back for him while he fixed the seats.

"this shit is mad uncomfortable" he slipped himself into me grabbing my hips "do yo thing" i started to throw myself back onto him, moaning softly while he fucked into me "wait" i stopped throwing it back feeling his tip touch my g-spot.

"uhn uhn keep going, you got it" he propped his leg up thrusting into me at a faster pace , the sound of skin clapping and me and connie's moans filled the car, the car windows started to get foggy.

"fuck ! i'm finna cum" i held my hand on his lower stomach while he continued to completely drill my shit "move yo hand", "connie i can't forreal" connie's hand smacked across my ass and pushed my back down to fuck me at a faster pace.

"just cum for me" he deepened his strokes rolling his hips making me start creaming on his shaft, i heard him deeply moan before pulling out to cum on my back.

he flipped me over on my side and slid himself in, he started thrusting at a slow pace and grabbed my throat. "connieee" i grabbed his wrist, letting my head fall back into his chest- "you gone cum for me again?", "mhm" he rubbed my clit, deepening his strokes touching my cervix before pulling out to cum on my back AGAIN.

"damn my back hurt, don't know why you tryna go all crazy in a car" i felt him wipe my back down and pull my panties up, he got in the front seat "my mom said she needs me so you wanna come or go home?", "i'll come, i need to go to target too"

"no bruh damn, you be havin' me in there for hours" i kissed my teeth putting my shoes on, he started driving rubbing my thigh "con", "wsp?" i played with my nails before opening my mouth "do you ever like regret talkin' to me ? and let me finish but i feel like ever since we started talking you haven't been doin' your job.", "my job gets done regardless if we're together or not, i have other jobs baby- i never regretted talkin' to you"

"i know you got other jobs but still, you haven't been sellin' your product" connie fixed his hat on his head before he started talking "its not cause of you it's cause i'm lettin' eren get his products out to my customers instead of me", "ohh..." i started playing music and scrolled on my phone.

we had finally made it connie's mom house, it had a basketball hoop in the front and two cars an impala and a mercedes benz "you gettin' out?", "yeah i'll get out" i unbuckled my seatbelt getting out and walking behind connie.

"ma!", "MIJO?!" she walked to connie bringing him into a hug "you just saw me two days ago ma" he laughed rubbing her back, her eyes landed on me "oh my- who's this?", "this is y/n, y/n this is my mom kuchel"

"you're so beautifulll" she bought me into a hug, rubbing my back "thank you, i could say the same about you", "come on, i just got started on dinner", "ma we're not here to stay, just came to pi-"


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