* nine *

388 11 0

its been a week since i talked to connie, he was still avoiding any contact with me even avoiding to like my pictures even watching my story and he avoided me at the friends gathering which was... today.

"look at his ass, tryna avoid you- i understand he's hurt but damn it's been a week" miara said taking a sip of her drink, i sighed putting my hand in my palm "i miss him... so much, like i'm so use to this nigga comin' to see me everyday of the week but we haven't spoke in a week", "he knows he wants to come talk to you, he taking sneak glances at you"

i looked up to see connie look back down at his phone, i got up to walk outside and sit on the porch once i got out there i seen a text from miara "he's coming out there", i saw connie walk out of the house coming to stand on the porch to smoke.

"you ready to talk now?" i started talking making him look down at me and shake his head "y/n it's like you failing to realize i don't wanna talk to you, i barely wanna be here while you here and all that make it's harder because i miss you and i'm tryna make you understand how i feel.", "i do though, i didn't know you went through the most withthe drug dealing thing and-"

"it doesn't even matter, you're not supposed to judge people off they jobs dude- if my job matters that much to you bro why we together? why we wasting this much time? why we took a step farther from just havin' sex to actually tryna become something? i'm not doin' this shit for no reason kid." he started playing with the rings on his finger avoiding eye contact with me.

"i'm not doin' it for no reason either, yo job don't matter i just do not like to be up worried at 9pm-5am worrying if you dead or you on yo way back to my apartment, that's my problem- i'm not judging you off your job because if it really matter i wouldn't even have HUGGED you so dont go saying that yo job matters to me because it doesn't."

"connie you could have been downbad and i still would be so in love with you because you treat me very well, you respect me and that's what i like about you" i turned his face to look at me while speaking to him, he stared at me taking in everything i was saying.

"and the fact that you wouldn't even let me explain myself is tellin' me that you really don't wanna try and salvage nothing", "i was just mad"

"but as my nigga you have to communicate with me so we both can know what we need to do to avoid the whole thing" he sighed looking down at the ground, i stared at him waiting for him to speak.

"i just want my own time right now, you owned up to yo shit and that's cool but it still hurt me because of stuff i went through with other people", "and you can have your own time, just don't avoid me for a week and not let ne explain" he got up grabbing his keys, "you got a ride home?", "no, i was gone catch a uber."

"come on" we walked to his car, he opened the passenger door for me closing it once i got in "fucked any bitches while we wasn't talkin'?" connie's hands gripped the steering while looking at the road "what? no, we was still together idiot", "so? you could've still fucked somebody else"

"nah mama, dick registered for you"

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