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"It's a magic shop for Shadows, Chan"

The young man widened his eyes. "H-How d-do y-you know my name?"

"You introduced yourself to our hyung"


"Yeah, Suga, remember?"

Chan widened his eyes once more.

The memory of meeting a short male by the park, who heard him kicking a tree, and suddenly gave him the number.

"I'm Suga, call this number if you ever feel stressed yeah?"


"No, he's not our brother, if that's what you're thinking"


"So, why'd you call?"

"I......." Chan made sure his door was lock. "I need some stress reliever. My villain has been disturbing me lately"

"Well then, I know just the right thing. I'll send you our address and make sure no one sees you"


"Okay, bye!" The other line bid in his cheery voice before the call ended.

Chan sighed as he threw his phone in front of him, the rectangular device landing on the bed.

"Should I..........?"


𝘿𝙙𝙖𝙚𝙣𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙥

Chan pursed his lips as he stared at the shop in front of him. Ddaeng Magic Shop seemed like a vintage place, the way it looks would be probably mistaken as a library if it wasn't for the shop's sign.

He sighed as he placed his hand on the door handle, pushing it afterwards as he entered the place.

"Woah.....daebak" Chan looked at the place in awe.

The place was just like the outside, the rock bricks as walls with yellow fairy lights dangling from the ceiling shining as bright as the light bulbs. Tons of magical knick knacks was placed on a shelf on the left side of the place, whilst the right held a desk counter.

Chan walked deeper into the shop, he was in awe to see tons of magic wands beautifully craved in tons of different colors, magical weapons such as the sword-disguised-as-a-pen and flying sneakers. Wow, who knew the owners where Percy Jackson fans.

"Hi! You must be Lee Chan" The same bright cheery voice he heard from the phone came out from what seems to be a back room. "I'm Jung Hoseok and welcome to our Magic Shop"

 "I'm Jung Hoseok and welcome to our Magic Shop"

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Chan stared at his I.D that floated right beside him. "Uhmm— not to be a pervert or anything.....but— you look" Chan gulped. "......hot"

Hoseok rose an eyebrow before looking his I.D picture. He groaned.
"Ughh....Yoongi hyung" He muttered under his breath.

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