Chapter Two

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"OMG! He spoke to you?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah!" Mike replied.

Anthony felt happy for Mike and felt deep down that MikXan will happen.

"So, how'd you think Xander will react when he finds out you're the secret person?". Mike thought about it. "He might be a bit shocked to be honest and maybe it'll be a bit of a funny reaction." Edlie runs towards them "OMG, Mike, I heard from Sarah, who heard from Justin, who heard from Aaron, that Xander is really wanting to meet the person that is admiring him! Xander wants to meet you badly. Well you know, knowing it's all you." Anthony nudged Mike. "Your soon-to-be boyfriend wants to meet you."

Anthony and Edlie began planning how to get Xander and Mike together. Mike was busy thinking how Xander would react to the mystery person being him. Mike wanted Xander to like him too but what if he doesn't? "Well?" Anthony's voice brought him back down to earth. "Huh?" Told you he was too in love to pay attention, Edlie snickered.

"Maybe tomorrow afternoon, since both of you guys aren't working then, we can set up a spot in Barwick Park. Like a picnic related date." Mike looked at Edlie. "I know what you're thinking and no it's not going to be an actual picnic." Mike blew a sigh of relief.

"Anthony, is there a type of person Xander likes?"

"Other than someone to listen to him complain and love baking, you're all good." Mike looked down. "Well I do love baking and I'm a good listener." Anthony smiled. "You have nothing to worry about then."

The next day. 6th period went by extremely slowly. Mike agreed to be at Barwick Park by 5. He was so nervous to see Xander again he couldn't stop thinking about him. The end of the day came and Mike raced to his car. He drove home, showered and got himself ready for his blind date with Xander Reed. At 4:50, Mike left home and walked down the street to the park. With each step he took, he got more nervous. He felt as if Xander might not show up. At 4:57, he reached the park and spotted Edlie. Edlie saw him.

"Mike, come here. Anthony is over there talking to Xander." Mike saw Xander and felt his heart race. "Hey hey don't worry, everything will be okay." Mike looked at Edlie.

"Have my back with anything that happens?" Edlie nodded. Meanwhile, Anthony walks towards them. "He is at the table on the other side of the swings. He really wants to see you! Now remember, be yourself, Xander loves confidence." "Thanks guys." Anthony and Edlie give Mike a hug and they both turn and walk out of the park and down the street, away from sight.

Mike walked towards the swings. Xander was sitting there on his phone and he was quickly typing out a text to his friend. Mike went up to the table. "Hi." Xander looked up. He smiled.

"Hey Mike, what are you doing here?" Mike gave him a look. Xander's dark brown eyes widened. "You're the one that likes me?" Mike nodded. "I should have known."

Xander and Mike walked around the park talking about how they found out they weren't straight and at some point Xander asked, "What about me do you like?" Mike looked into his eyes and said "You're cute, tall and I fell in love with you from first sight. I used to watch you play football for Atlantic. I went to a few games just to watch you."

Xander smiled.

The two stood by a tree and looked towards the sunset.

"What a beautiful sunset." Xander said.

"It really is." Mike agreed.

"Well just by walking with you for the past hour. I think you are perfect for me. I need to ask you something?" Mike looked puzzled. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Mike nodded. Xander walked towards Mike and without a word, they kissed by the sunset underneath the tree. It was now 7:01 and they walked out of the park, shared one more kiss and went their separate ways.

That night, Mike was on facetime with Anthony. "We're official!" Mike exclaimed. "Congrats!" Anthony shreaked. "Well, how did kissing him feel?" Mike paused. "It felt great. Didn't know he had soft lips." Anthony looked at the clock.

"Mike, I'll see you tomorrow morning, I gotta go."

"Alright, see ya!" Mike layed in bed feeling as if he really was the king of the universe. He thought of how after waiting 16 long months, he finally has a boyfriend. He went to bed with a smile on his face.

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