Chapter Eight

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3 days later Mike woke up feeling drained. He looked at the clock. It was 11:15. Mike took a look at his phone. He saw Xander sent him pictures of the night before. Mike sent him a message. "Fun night. Hope we can do it again soon!" Mike got up and went to the bathroom. He got himself cleaned up and had breakfast.

"Someone had a great night. You overslept." Mom said. "It was a long night." Mike replied.

Mike sat in front of the tv. We Bare Bears were playing and he was excited. The day went by extremely fast. Soon it was 9:25. Mom left to go to work and Mike was alone in his room. He turned off his bedroom lamp and layed in bed thinking. He then heard something hit his window. He thought it was just the tree branch but when it happened again he turned and looked towards the window. He saw an outline of a figure. He was scared but found the courage to go to the window. He pulled the blinds and he let out a sigh of relief seeing it was Xander. He opened the window and Xander came in.

"Sorry I thought your mom was here, so I climbed through your window. Even if she were here, that wouldn't have made it any better." Xander said.

Mike hugged him and they held each other. "I couldn't resist not seeing you."

"Well I mean since we can't hang out after school. I'm actually glad you came over. I needed you." Mike admitted. "Oh really?" Xander smiled and got closer.

"Yeah." Mike snickered. Xander kisses Mike but Mike pulls away. "One sec." Mike goes over to his door and locks it. "Okay we should be good now."

Xander and Mike began kissing and they spent the whole night together. The next morning Mike woke Xander up at 6 so he can sneak out before mom returns at 8.

"I actually have something for you." Xander said. "What is it?" Mike asked. Xander opened his backpack and pulled out a wrapped box and handed it to Mike. Mike opened it and a nice green Atlantic varsity jacket looked back at him. On the back was number 11 and the name read "Reed".

"Your varsity jacket?" Mike exclaimed. "You're special to me and I wanted you to have it. I mean I won't be playing anymore and I have a spare one so I figured you should have that one." Xander said. "Thanks!" Xander and Mike kissed. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Xander asked. "Of course!" Mike exclaimed. Xander left and Mike sat on his bed looking at the jacket and smiling to himself.

Mike tried his best to hide the jacket so his mother didn't see it. Before putting it away, he put it on and went to the big mirror in his room. He admired how good he felt in it and took a selfie. He sent the selfie to Xander who replied 5 minutes later with "You look good in it." Mike debated when he would start wearing the hoodie to school.

"Dude, wear it tomorrow. Aaron gave me his spare and Justin gave Anthony his." Edlie said excitedly that night. "I tried it on and I love the way it fits." Mike said. "Well then let's do that tomorrow. Anthony already agreed." Mike decided to wear the jacket the next day at school.

The next day, Mike arrived at school and met up with Anthony and Edlie. They all were wearing a green varsity jacket with a different name and number. Anthony was wearing Number 14 and the name read "Austin". Edlie wore number 17 and the name read "Joseph".

"So I'm actually surprised we all did this." Said Mike

"Me neither." Anthony chuckled.

"Guys just shut up and accept the fact that we have boyfriends who allow us to wear their varsity jackets." Edlie said.

The three friends chuckled and walked inside the school. When they got in everyone looked in their direction. One kid even came up and said "You two guys are going to hell." Mike paid him no mind. The three walked to building 5 and waited for the bell. Soon, the bell rang and they all moved to class. Mike sat in his seat as more students came in. One kid, Kyle Burch, saw Mike and walked over to him.

"So, you're wearing your boyfriend's jacket?" Kyle asked with a smug look on his face. "Can you leave me alone?" Mike asked.

"Nah because what do you see in him?"

"Stuff that you don't!" Mike snapped.

"Oh really? Cause I know he was once popular, he had friends, he had girls around him and then to find out that man was gay. I mean you really think that popularity would last after people find out his secret." Kyle looked dead at Mike.

"You mean he was once popular, had mostly fake friends and had girls who wanted attention and popularity around him?" Mike pointed out.

"Leave him alone." Samantha said to Kyle.

"Or what?" Kyle challenged.

The teacher walked in. "Kyle, go to your seat."

Kyle went to his seat and was silent the entire period. The day went by so slow. By the time lunch came Mike was drained. He went to lunch and found Anthony, Edlie, Aaron and Xander at the table closest to the door.

"So you guys weren't kidding when you said you were all wearing our jackets." Aaron snickered.

"Told ya." Edlie smiled.

"You look good in it." Xander said to Mike.

"Thanks!" Mike sat next to Xander.

They began planning their next hangout when Justin came to the table.

"Hey guys. Aaron, Xander, I need you two right now." Justin exclaimed.

"What now?" Xander asked.

They all went outside and Justin asked. "Have you guys asked Edlie or Mike to prom?

"Nope," Aaron and Xander replied.

"I have a way to ask them though." Justin explained the plan and they all came to an agreement.

Soon the bell rang and lunch was over. 

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