Chapter Five

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The next morning it was really chilly. Mike put on a hoodie, grabbed his backpack and phone and was out the door. As he turned onto Congress, he saw a familiar face walking towards him. "How'd you sleep?" Xander asked sweetly.

"I slept great." Xander hugs Mike. They walked to school together.

"Wait, what if they bully you again today?" 

"I don't know but it can't be too bad." They entered school and Xander walked him to class just to be on the safe side. The day started great. Mike received a "B" on his English Test, he received an "A" on his Digital Tech PowerPoint and he gave an amazing speech during his reading debate. Lunch time came and ruined his whole day. Mike was sitting near the cafeteria door with Anthony. They were waiting on Edlie. "I've been having a great day so far." 

"That's good." Anthony sighed, "Wished my day was that good." 

Travis came by. "Well look who it is." he schemed. Mike looked at Anthony "Here we go again". Caleb was with him. "Come on Trav, why are you bullying him?" 

"He's the one I was talking about. The one dating that fag that was on the Football team but quit." Caleb looked puzzled but then said "Xander Reed?" 


Caleb began laughing. "You really think Xander likes you. He's only tolerating you out of pity since you are the only one to talk to him after that meltdown earlier this year." 

"Can you guys just leave me alone?" Mike asked. 

"Why should we?" Travis asked. 

"Guys just drop it" Anthony said. 

"Oh Mike, are you cheating on Xander already and with him?" Caleb asked. 

"Wow, Xander can't even hold on to a boyfriend." Travis laughed. Tasha Smith, Travis's girlfriend, came over with her friend Xaria Thomas. "Omg, look it's Xander's boyfriend. Man you are so retarted for dating Xander. Y'all are so perfect for each other." Tasha chuckled. 

"Come on guys, leave him alone. If Xander makes him happy who the freak cares about their relationship. Everyone deserves happiness one way or another." Xaria snapped. 

"What's gotten into you girl?" 

"Nothing, I'm just tired of you bullying people! We can't be friends anymore." Xaria stormed off. 

"Whatever, she'll be back." Tasha replied snitfully. Travis then did something horrible. He climbed on the table and screamed "Hey everyone here is Xander's boyfriend. Aren't they perfect for each other? Also, it seems like he's seeing anothe rguy behind Reed's back." 

Everyone started laughing and some started taking pictures and videos. Mike's face burned with anger and embarrassment. He got up and stormed out of the cafeteria. "Mike, wait!" Anthony called out but Mike ignored him. He bumped into Edlie."Mike, are you okay? What's wrong?" 

Mike looked at her. His eyes were red and puffy. "I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a little bit. I can't continue with this. I feel happy with him but everyone seems to have a problem with it!" Mike walked to The Counselor's office and waited by the door. 

"Hey Mike." The Counselor notices his red eyes. "Are you okay?" 

"No," Mike replied tearfully. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Well I recently started dating Xander Reed as you know I had a huge crush on him. Ever since then people have been bullying me. I love Xander and he loves me and he even made me feel better yesterday when the bullying started but it's like dating him is becoming difficult. No, I do not want to break up with him, however, I just want to find a way for me to not get bullied and have a happy lasting relationship with my boyfriend. 

"I know how tough it can be but what exactly happened?" The Counselor asked. 

"Travis, Caleb and Tasha bullied the heck out of me and when I was sitting with my friend Anthony waiting for our friend Edlie, they started making fun of me and then Travis stood on the table and yelled to everyone "Hey everyone here is Xander's boyfriend. Aren't they perfect for each other? Also, it seems like he's seeing another guy behind Reed's back." and everyone started taking pictures and I couldn't sit there anymore. The Counselor shook her head.

"What are the kids' names?"

"Travis Lamar, Caleb Haynes and Tasha Smith. All seniors."

"Okay, I'll get to the bottom of it okay?" 

"Okay. Thanks!" 

"Now the 7th period is about to start. Think you'll be okay?" 


"Okay, email me if you need anything Mike." 

"I will." 

After 7th period, Mike walked towards the student parking lot. It was 3:21. He went to talk to his friend and then walked home. 

"Hey Mike, wait up!" Xander screamed. 

Xander caught up to him and he noticed Mike's eyes were still red and puffy. "Look, I heard about what happened. Sorry you had to go through that." Mike nearly started crying over again. 

"Come here." Xander pulls him up closer and gives him a hug. Mike felt comfort in Xander's arms. Mike closes his eyes and plants his head on Xander's chest. Mike kisses Xander. Out of nowhere, a car horn sounded. Mike opened his eyes and saw a gray sedan approaching. 

"Oh No!" Mike said. 

"Who is that?" Xander asked. 

"My mom!" 

The car stopped next to them. Mom was in the passenger seat, Gabe, Mom's friend was driving and Mike's cousin, Junior, was in the backseat. Junior and Mom got out of the car. Mom said "Mike get over here NOW!" She sounded furious. Junior ran up to Xander. "The heck are you doing with my cousin! Stay away from him alright!" 

Mom turned to Mike "This is how I raised you?! No wonder you've been coming home late lately." Junior shoved Xander and came over to Mike. 

"Cuz you are gay? You are the only one in the family who is like this. You are a disgrace." Mike looked down. Mom pulled Mike into the car and said "We will have a long talk when we get home." Xander tried to grab Mike's hand and Junior threw a punch at his face. Junior beat Xander up and his shirt ripped. Mike tried to run off and pull Junior off of Xander but Mom pulled him back into the car and turned the auto lock on. Junior then wiped blood off of his hand with some paper and water and got into the car. Mike looked at Xander. Xander looked at him, he was sad. Mike mouths out to him "I'm sorry!" Xander mouths out "It's okay. I still love you though." 

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