Prologue Chapter

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Here's a new story! Hope you all enjoy and it should be obvious that I own nothing, blah blah blah, a disclaimer.

"Sibling Units! Please Gather in my room!"

It had been a peaceful Saturday afternoon and the start of Spring Break, or as peaceful as it could be around the Loud House. Lisa had just called them all into her room in order to tell them about one of her inventions. As such, everyone was either sitting down or standing up, and everyone looked a little cross at the sudden announcement.

"Lisa, do you mind telling me why you called us here?" Lori asked, clearly not happy about being interrupted during a p

Lola shouted, "AND WHERE IS THE TV!?!?! I'M MISSING MY SHOWS!!!"

"Yeah, the mud outside is starting to dry! I really need my daily dose of dirt and mud." Lana shivered, Lola making a gagging noise, the past dry days starting to get to her.

"Not to worry, my fellow sibling's units!" Lisa said as she strode to the front, while something covered with a white tarp awaited her. "I have called you all here today to present THIS!"

With an uncharacteristically excited flourish tone, Lisa pulled the white tarp off to reveal what looked like the TV but several devices that looked right out of  were attached 

Leni smiled and cooed, "Oooo, so shiny!" Leni then reached out to touch the add-ons to the TV but Lisa smacked her hand with a ruler, causing her to yelp in pain.

"No touching!" Lisa yelled.

Lola then approached and screeched, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE TV!?!?!?"

Lincoln then stated, "Lola your going to damage your larynx if you keep shouting like that."

"I have used the TV to create a machine that will allow us to see into different dimensions! As well as Enter them!" Lisa announced.

"That's... Actually pretty cool." Lynn replied with slight interest in her voice.

As the machine began to turn on, Lisa turned back to her sisters, the light reflecting off her glasses in a way that obscured her eyes. Lisa then announced, "BEHOLD, MY SIBLINGS! WE SHALL BE THE FIRST TO WITNESS NEVERENDING DIMENSIONS, STRETCHING BEYOND YOUR VERY EYES! STARTING WITH- GACK!!! BUG!!! SWALLOWED A BUG!!!" Lisa began coughing to purge the bug from her throat.

Elsewhere, there was The planet is oddly-shaped, appearing as an upside-down pyramid with an enormous tree growing at its center. The planet also contains a rather large lake with a variety of aquatic creatures living within it. The rest of the planet is mostly grassy.

There was a large temple built into the side of the tremendous tree at the center of the planet

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There was a large temple built into the side of the tremendous tree at the center of the planet. Inside, two beings were about to begin eating but stopped before they could even take a bite. "What was that?" Asked one of the beings, and they had a lazy but commanding tone.

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