Episode 4: Snakeway to Heaven

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Here's the next chapter. Enjoy.

The next episode quickly started.

Kaiserneko: The following is a fan-based parody. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, and DragonBall GT are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release.

The scene opens up with a full view of Snake Way.

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball Z Abridged... Goku began his journey down Snake Way. ...Wait is that some kind of innuendo?

"A little bit," Luan stated, getting glances from others.

Goku is seen running down Snake Way.

"Whoa, look at how narrow it is, anyone could slip off it and fall down to Hell," Luna stated the extreme flaw in the design of Snake Way.

"Yeah, they should add some guard railings to it for safety reasons," Lisa said with others agreeing, even Beerus.

Goku: (in his thoughts) This is going to be the longest, toughest journey I've ever made! I have to receive King Kai's training, and battle the biggest threat to the planet we've ever faced! I have to run as fast as I can! I have to keep running! For the sake of the Earth, humanity, and my fam-

The camera cuts to a sleeping Goku on a moving cleanup truck.

Lincoln then stated, "Who else thinks he doesn't care much for his family?" Everyone in the room raised their hand.

"He... he is the worst," Lori said just done with Goku's bullcrap, even though this is the fourth episode.

The truck bumps into something, causing Goku to fall off Snake Way and down into the clouds.

Goku: (hits his head on Snake Way) OW, GAAAAAAAAA...

Lincoln then called out, "Serves you right!"

"Maybe he'll land on his head and it'll be fixed," Luan said jokingly, the sibling all looked at each other and then at Lisa who just shook her head, silently telling them that is not how it works. "Dang it."

The opening sequence with Goku's scream fading out, but his scream fades back in at the end of the sequence. The scene changes to a screaming Goku falling straight into the depths of Hell.


Goku crashes hard onto the floor.

Goku: (in pain) Oowwww...

Goz: Oh who do we have here? A little girly man, yeah?

Lynn asked, "Where is this place?"

"Who are these guys?" Lucy asked.

Lisa asked, "And why are they German?"

Goku looked up to see two ogres, one red ogre with two cone horns and glasses, the other was a blue ogre with only one cone-shaped horn.

Goku looked up to see two ogres, one red ogre with two cone horns and glasses, the other was a blue ogre with only one cone-shaped horn

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