Chapter 4 - The Quest

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I pulled the pot of soup off of the hook, placing it on the counter before moving to follow Fili and the others to the door. By the time I got there, all the others had already crowded close to Gandalf as he pulled the door open; and for once I was grateful I was a little bit taller than most of the people in the room. (Though the difference in height was significantly less that most other times.)

The door opened to reveal another dwarf, but this one was very different from the others. He wore a leather coat, with a fur pelt; though it was much more well kept than those worn by some of the others I had met. He also carried himself differently; as though he had once had a life much different than the one he was currently living. I saw though that despite the youth in his features, his dark brown hair was streaked with silver; and something told me if I were to look into his eyes I would see someone who had suffered much staring back at me. I also felt as though I should know him, but I simply could not get a good enough look at his face to know why.

"Gandalf," The man said as he stepped inside, "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way... Twice." He added reluctantly. "I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door." Bilbo stepped forward, looking confused again.

"Mark...? There is no mark on that door it was painted a week ago." He was flustered, and gesturing wildly at nothing in particular. I smirked,

"Actually there is, Gandalf put it there this morning." I remarked. Bilbo's mouth fell open, and I knew he wanted to say something; so I turned back to the newest arrival before he had the chance.

The man turned toward me, and I stifled a gasp when I got a good look at his face. The man standing in front of me was someone I had read about in history books, someone who's face I had seen sketched on a very famous family tree; though he was certainly not someone I would have expected ever having need of anything in the Shire.

"Bilbo," Gandalf said, bringing him forward again and placing a large hand on his shoulder, "Allow me to introduce, the leader of our company-"

"Thorin Oakenshield," I said quietly to myself, the shock still setting in. It wasn't until I noticed he and all the others were now staring directly at me that I realized I must have said it louder than I intended. Thorin it seemed was not trying overly hard to hide his surprise. "Well that is your name correct?" I asked. I saw Gandalf grinning at me from over Thorin's shoulder.

"Indeed Saria, you are correct. Bilbo Baggins, Saria, allow me to introduce; Thorin Oakenshield." Bilbo and I both bowed, though I kept my eyes trained on the ground, wishing my face would stop burning. Thankfully, Thorin chose to ignore my outburst and focus his attention elsewhere; on Bilbo apparently for reasons I could not begin to understand.

"So," He said, and I glanced up through my eyelashes to see him circling Bilbo. "This is the Hobbit." He clasped his hands together behind his back. "Tell me Mister Baggins, have you done much fighting?" His voice was smug, and I had a sudden desire to stick my foot out and trip him. Though when his words began to register in my mind I raised an eyebrow, confused as to how anyone could ever mistake Bilbo for a fighter in any shape or form.

"Uhhh.." It seemed Bilbo shared in my confusion, because he suddenly lost the ability to form words. I bit my tongue to hold my laughter in check.

"Axe or Sword?" Thorin continued without letting him answer, "what is your weapon of choice?" Thorin resumed his circling, and I was starting to wonder if he wasn't a skin changer; spending the rest of his time as a vulture. Bilbo straightened his back, doing his best to seem taller, though it didn't do much. Thorin stood a good foot taller than him, which wasn't surprising given that, even for a Hobbit Bilbo was fairly short.

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