Chapter 51 - Rewriting History

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When we reached the top, the sight that met my eyes was so familiar I couldn't fight back against the terrible images resurfacing in my mind. Fili, falling at his brother's feet, the light fading from his eyes as his blood mingled with the snow. The single tear sliding down Kili's cheek in the moment before he died, the way he had looked at Tauriel,and the way Bolg had simply tossed him to the side. And the look on Thorin's face, the defeated gleam in his eye partially hidden by his determination when he made the choice to die for his people. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing away the tears; and the memories that caused them. History was not going to go this way. I had managed to keep myself alive, which meant my part in the story was not over; I still had a chance to rewrite the ending of their story, to give them a happy one; and more empty pages to fill over the years I hoped this might grant them.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Kili helped me down off of the goat,though it took me several seconds to gather my thoughts and by the time I had it was too late to protest. He set me on my feet, and a moment later Fili was standing in front of me looking both guilt-stricken and relieved.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, pulling me into his arms. "But listen tome, Balin is a warrior. He will be alright. We need you here. I was not going to leave you behind. I would never." I nodded, playing with the braids on his mustache as I tried to find the words I wanted.

"I know. I wouldn't have been able to leave you behind either." I took a shaky breath. "It's just that my dream didn't show me everything.I don't know what's going to happen to him. I hate those dreams, but I hate being blind even more." He just nodded, pulling my head against his chest and running his fingers through my hair. I pulled back after a few minutes, squaring my shoulders and preparing myself for what was to come. I met Fili's eyes. "This isn't going to make any sense to you right now, but I need you to listen and remember alright? You will understand very soon, and it is the only way." He nodded without hesitation, tightening his grip on my arms.

"Alright. What is?" I took a deep breath; checking once to make sure the others were out of earshot and not paying any attention to us.

"Play dead. When the time comes you have to pretend that you are dead. Though you will not be. But Azog has to believe it." Tears pool in my eyes. "Everyone has to believe it. And I have to fake it. But so do you. So promise me." He nodded again, fear and confusion swimming in his beautiful eyes.

"I promise." He whispered. I smiled, pressing a fleeting kiss to his lips as Thorin and the others finally moved toward us.

"Good." I replied, just as Thorin reached us. I stepped out of Fili's grip and turned to face Thorin. The look on his face was far too familiar, and my heart squeezed.

"Something is not right." He declared, his gaze fixed on me. I nodded.

"It's a trap, that much is certain. The second Orc army is to come from that way." I point over his shoulder across the ice. "They mean to surround us; but I've already planned against it. King Thranduil will not fail us, I am confident of that. Azog is our problem, and he is here. We must deal with him and his spawn ourselves." I was pleased at the absence of fear in my voice; but I wasn't sure how long it would last. Thorin sighed.

"Fili, Kili, go scout out the tower. This is most certainly a trap so if you see anything do not engage. Report back and we will deal with it together." He looks to me, "Saria, Dwalin, you-" He was cut of by the sudden squeal of goblins as they came up over the wall. Thorin drew Orcrist. "Fili, Kili. Go! Dwalin, Saria, with me. There's no more than a hundred of them."

Fili and Kili turned away, disappearing from sight as I drew Ringil and moved to Thorin's side. We charged forward to meet the goblins, and though they surrounded us easily we were not terribly concerned.

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