Chapter 62 - The Wedding of the Century

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Oh. My. Goodness.

I cannot believe I left you guys hanging so close to the end.

And for SO LONG.

I am the worst.

I don't know why I was under the impression that I had finished this story but it has been brought to my attention that I left you hanging the chapter before the wedding. Of all chapters. I am so sorry. 

You guys are saints for sticking with me for as long as you have and there are only three chapters left until the end of the book. I am so sorry it took such a ridiculous amount of time to get them to you.

I hope that they live up to the build up I have unintentionally created, and I hope you can all forgive me for what I assure you was entirely unintentional but no less terrible on my part.

Enjoy these last few chapters.

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy.

~ Andie


        The morning of my wedding I woke to bright light streaming through the curtains I hadn't thought to close before collapsing into bed after Thorin dropped me off. Or it may have been the incessant pounding on my door that had me sitting up and rubbing my eyes; I really couldn't be sure. Though as I slipped out of bed and the knocking continued, I began to have my suspicions.

       After pulling a robe on over my hopelessly wrinkled nightdress I made my way quickly downstairs and through the living room that had been transformed into a salon of some kind. I took a moment to worry about just what exactly it was that they were planning to do to me before I closed my hand around the doorknob, twisted the lock and pulled it open.

       Tauriel and Dis were standing in front of me, both looking frazzled and, Dis at least, looked as though she hadn't slept at all. Which was absolutely ridiculous considering I was the one getting married today; and perhaps it was only because I was worried for her, or it may have very much had to do with my talk with Thorin, but I was not nervous in the least. I was excited. I had never been this excited in my life, but I would have been more excited if the rest of the Kingdom had even begun to wake up yet.

       "Have you any idea what time it is!?" I snapped, my voice good natured enough they didn't take my irritation to heart but at least sharp enough that they had the decency to look sheepish for a moment or two. "My wedding isn't going to start until four o'clock. That gives us nine hours. The least you could have done is let me sleep for a few more!" I looked pointedly at Dis. "You are the one who has been on my case about beauty sleep all week. And now you're here before the sun is even fully up." She shook her head. Clearly having heard no more than a quarter of the words I had spoken.

       "Your hair-" She began, her voice cracking.

        "Will take an hour at the most." I interrupted, a laugh bubbling close to the surface at the fact that I was somehow the most composted of all of us. I had heard stories of nightmare brides but it would seem their strategy to avoid that was to simply distract me from it by making me worry more about them than the wedding itself. It was working. "We've practiced it a dozen times. We've practiced everything a dozen times." I reminded her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the apartment behind me. I stopped beside the couch. "Sit." When she looked as though she was going to argue, I gave her a light push and she sank into the cushions, her eyes sliding shut in what I knew to be relief even as she tried to mumble something about centerpieces. "Now then. You're going to relax, because you are dead on your feet and I will not have any snoring in the middle of my vows. I am going to make breakfast for the three of us, and then we are going to go and do all of the final checks together. Tauriel and I will come back here and do my hair while you get some sleep, and we will come and get you when it is time for us to get ready. Alright?" She nodded slowly; relief clear on her face now though she still did not look as though she wished to admit it. She leaned back, and her eyes slid closed again as Tauriel grinned at me from the kitchen.

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