ishimaru, full stop

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Taka, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because...
Taka, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.


Taka: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?


Taka, on a random band name generator: Ooooh! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group.


Taka: What do you call disobeying the law?
The Group(TM): A hobby.
Taka: *crosses their arms*
The Group(TM): That we do not engage in.


Taka: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its "intelligent" and "really cool".
Taka: But when I do it, I'm "petty" and "need to let it go".


Taka: I was born for politics. I have great hair and have an asshole used-to-be-prime-minister grandfather.


Taka: A fistfight CAN be romantic.


*out grocery shopping*
Taka: *takes a free sample twice*
Taka: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.


Taka: *Plays Slender: The Eight Pages*
Taka: *Jumps back* OH SHOOT, IT'S A WHITE GUY!!!


Taka: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.


Taka, when Junko: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?


Taka: Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."


Taka: Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don't answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.


Taka: All the sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.


Taka: Sometimes, I don't realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.


Taka: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.


Taka: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Group(TM): Awwww-
Taka: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Group(TM): Oh.


Taka: Just took a personality test and got an A+.


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