Under the blossom tree.

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Yandere Goh AU.

TW: MENTION OF HANGING, MURDER, SUICIDE (if I come across anymore Tw I'll put them here)

(Okay so after a bit, Starryflowers (me) finally came back to edit this oneshot! I'm 100% ready to start cringing.. T^T, yes I changed the title! It used to be "Just the two of us. <3" Sooooo yeaaaa) -8/1/22


Goh = Gou
Ash = Satoshi
Chloe = Koharu

Satoshi's POV

Me and Gou just woke up because of his SO LOUD ALARM he set up the other day and we were getting ready like any normal day. This was a normal day, right?

Koharu's POV

I'm so grateful those numbskulls can wake up on their own now, without me waking them up is a HUGE time savor. Although I may or may not have developed feelings for one of them.... A certain brown eyed boy... But that's besides the point! I decided today I'm going to confess to him, under the blossom tree, were supposedly whoever confesses under the blossom tree the other person will fall in love with you if they haven't already. No one left the blossom trees single.

Gou's POV

Another day another murder! Koharu told me she wants to tell me something in the kitchen so I'm heading over there right now. I really hope I don't need to murder her too. She's my childhood friend it would hurt me more..

{Time skip to a few minutes later}

I just arrived at the kitchen and Koharu is... BLUSHING? That's something you don't see everyday.

"Hey Gou.."

"Yes Koharu?"

"Do you know who Satoshi likes by any chance..?"

Why is she telling me this? I swear if she is trying to set him up with one of her friends I will make sure they don't see the daylight ever again. Nobody tries to steal my Satoshi.

"No I don't. I'm sorry!"

"Oh no no! It's okay Gou! Also Can you tell him I want to meet him under the Blossom tree?"

WHAT?! SHE IS TRYING TO TAKE MY SATOSHI AWAY. Koharu is my childhood friend. I really didn't want it to end this way but if it has to then so be it.

"Sure! Anything for you Koharu!" I said obviously with sarcasm.

"Thank you so much Gou!!" Koharu exclaimed, then went to her room, I'm guessing to put on some nice clothing and some get some flowers to confess to Satoshi. Good thing she didn't catch onto my sarcasm.

There is no way I'm letting her get my Satoshi. There just isn't.

I walked to me and Satoshi's room and told him Koharu wants to meet him under the blossom tree and him being so adorable and dense he didn't know what it meant so he just said:

"Uh okay?"

(Still in Gou's POV)

[ima stop editing here for a bit because I'm cringing so hard 😭]

I'm going to strangle her. First I have to go there without anyone seeing me, Second: Get there before Satoshi does, third: get behind Koharu and put a rope on her neck and pull. Fourth: hang her on the tree and run for it leaving no evidence leading to me.

It was the perfect plan for the perfect person.

Anyways, I already have everything needed and totally not because the author was to lazy for me to get it all on my own!

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