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Anyways Alola time !

3rd persons POV

"Pikachu, we're back!" a boy with the brightest smile you'll ever see. And the electric yellow rat on his shoulder eating a berry. "Pi?"

"Satoshi! Hurry up or we're gonna be late." Exclaimed the more responsible person infront of him. Koharu. and Gou agreeing with her

"right. But can we just go look around I wanna see what changed while we were gone! Just for 1 hour?"

"Satoshi no. Don't make me drag you to the house."

"But pleaseeeeeeeee"

"Satoshi." Koharu gave him the death stare

"Fine. I'm coming"

"Good, now go infront of us so we know you don't run off somewhere"


"I said- GET IN FRONT OF US" Koharu screamed which got everyone's attention but they ignored it, like always

"Geez okay" his voice a bit more shaky then before but ran infront of Gou and Koharu, Gou walking more faster to get next to Satoshi

"Good" her voice returning to normal

"Meany" Satoshi whispered to Gou

"Hmph. She had a point though, now come on lead the way." Gou whispered back

**Time skip**

"Alola, Professor burnet and Lei!" Satoshi beamed at them when she opened the door

"Alola Satoshi! Lei say Alola to our guests." She gestured to the kid beside her, hiding from them

"Alola..." Lei said a bit nervous, he (she?) just doesn't like meeting strangers well, two of them are stranger-ish, Satoshi is his big brother so he's fine with him

"Alola...?" Koharu said but sounded more like a whisper

"Ah! You must be Koharu, Nice to meet you, I'm professor Burnet, my husband is out right now but he is professor Kukui"

"Alola" Lei repeated but a bit more confident and stopped hiding behind Professor Burnet

"Alola professor and Lei."  Gou finally said


"Alola, now. please come inside everyone!"

"Thank you for having us!" the trio said

**another time skip**

"We're home!"

"Professor Kukui! Alola!" Satoshi ran to the figure at the doorway and hugged him

"Woah, nice to see you again bud"

"Hi Satoshi" rotom dex said In His hecking monotone voice

"Professor, rotom! I want you to meet my friend, Koharu! You already met gou." He gestured toward Koharu then Gou

"Well Alola Koharu! I'm professor Kukui and I'm a teacher at the Pokémon school"

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