Can't hold me~

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This fic is inspired by the song "Can't hold me" by Emily King. I heard it in a Steven Universe Future episode and was like "I really like this, I wonder if they made it into a full song" and it was! Soooooooo yeaaaa

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(This is Satoshi just trying to regain Gou's forgiveness with very very very little drama)

3rd persons POV

"in the night, in the middle...... of the day" Satoshi sang along with the song, which was his favorite song along with a few others! But this one, this one reminded him so much of his beloved Gou.

I call you over, but you always hesitate

As much as this song reminded him of Gou and his feelings for him. The problem was, Gou was angry with Satoshi. So Gou was naturally ignoring Satoshi. For a okay reason in Satoshi's opinion. The truth was... the reason was a good reason to be angry at someone. Gou just can't bring himself to acknowledge Satoshi after what he did, he loves Satoshi, yea but after what he did.....

Used to tell me "you should leave it up to fate"

Fate... fate was the reason they are in this mess. Fate is far to cruel for them, for anyone! Love fate or hate it, fate is terrible for the couple.

Now I know that I never have to wait.

Satoshi. a impatient, energetic, loving person. Gou. A patient, no energy, not very efficient in showing love, person. There was no way for Satoshi to be extremely patient with no response from gou. It's been 1 month! And Gou cannot forgive Satoshi for that. No. Never.

Is what he 'thinks'...

Close my eyes, let down my hair.

He was getting ready to confront gou. Since that incident happened, Gou left the laboratory and never came back, Satoshi suspects that Goh is at his home. Which he is right about but there is one problem. How is he gonna confront Gou!

I'm thinking 'bout what I want, gonna take me there

He came up with a plan. Not certain it will work, but worth a shot! He plans on sneaking into the Family's apartment. I know, I know, you might be saying "How the heck is he gonna get up there! Gou lives on the 8th floor!"

He suspects that Gou already told his family about what he's done, and want nothing to do with him. So he can't just ring the door bell and let him enter. He made a plan to use Gengar's floating thing power to get up to Gou's window. YES I KNOW CREEPY, but it's the only way.

Turn the dial on the stereo

Satoshi is driving to the apartment, he puts in the CD of his favorite song and let that calm him down since you know, entering a home without being invited or allowed is.... Illegal.

I'm thinking 'bout who I want, and I won't let go

Satoshi can't help but think "What if something goes wrong? or or if they catch him trying to reason with Gou they kick him out.. the execution way." Or what if they let him out safely but tell officer Jenny and his trainer badge thing is taken and tells the whole world!! What will his friends and not to mention family, think of him! He doesn't want his mom and his Alolan family think he's a creep along with his best buds.

You can't hold me down, only I can do that

He's getting closer and closer to his destination. At this point he's shaking, yes, he might have broken into places before. But that was because he knew his friends were there, even if someone thought he and his friends weren't coming and they broke in, they would be kinda okay with it and just laugh it off. But. This is different, these people aren't okay with him around.

You can't hold me down, only I can do that

He arrived and got his plan to work, he told Gengar to go to the 8 floor and turn invisible when they were there to not get caught.

You can't hold me down, only I can do that

Just as they planned, Gengar did exactly what it was told to do and saw that Gou was on his bed, sleep deprived and devastated probably. Satoshi felt terrible but he hoped this conversation would fix everything. He waited until Gou went to get something, before getting down from Gengar and putting him back in the ball

"Thank you Gengar"

Satoshi opened the balcony door and got into Gou's room. It looked... depressing. Every picture of Satoshi and Gou had a "X" over Satoshi's face. He was really and I mean REALLY devastated about what he did, yes it had already been done but you can't just let something go so easily!

You can't hold me down, hold me down

Before Satoshi could hide somewhere, Gou entered the room.


They stared at each other. One in distress and the other in sadness. They were like that for a solid minute until Gou screamed and dropped his cup and pill. The glass shattered on impact. The pill bounced to a photo of them on the floor and this photo, had a "X" over Gou's face.

Gou was panicking and couldn't control his breathes, he was all over the place. But there was no one around to help him. Only Satoshi.

In a T-shirt, in my satin lingerie

He tried calming Goh down, but do you really think that would help? Since he couldn't relax him, he decided to try and teach him to control his breathing in a way they didn't have to look at each other.

"Gou! Put your hands on top of each other in a scooping way and lift your thumbs up so they can touch and close your eyes!"

Gou tried that and after 10 minutes, he finally calmed down.

A little lower, little higher, change pace


"But- I want to talk!"


"Please just give me 5 minutes!"


"Please just listen!"

Used to wait here, but you'd always be too late


"Gou- just listen. Please!"


"You.." Gou's voices started to crack, with sobs mixed in. His emotions, fear, and heartbreak.


"Now I can go here, and I never have to fake."

Okay that's itttt, this is a long chapter oof honestly I had so Much motivation to write, im so glad I did! I finally got something out and it's kinda long too!

Alright thanks for reading this oneshot might be a while until I post again hahaha okay but seriously thank you for 1k reads!!! I wish I could have said it sooner but I didn't realize it! So thank you so much!! ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )

- Starryflowers 💖

Word count: 1192

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