What is this feeling?

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Satoshi = Ash
Gou = Goh
Koharu = Chloe



Satoshi's POV

Another day of being bored all the time. My legs were on the wall and my back was on the bed, I was facing the ceiling

"Hey Satoshi" someone said blandly while entering the room

"Hm oh hi Koharu" I said, looking back

"Can you come with me real quick?"

Strange.... But eh who am I to care "Sure!" I got out of my position so now I was sitting on the edge of my bed and got up to stretch

Koharu started to run midway of me finishing my stretch, leaving me behind and since I went on many adventures and ran away from a legendary or mythical that tried to kill me so I caught up pretty quickly.

"How did you catch up so quick?!" Koharu exclaimed

"Practice pays off!" I said proudly while putting my hands on my hips

"Whatever. Anyways Gou wants to talk to you."

"Okay!" I started walking to the hallway


"Where is gou?"

"He's that way" she said while pointing to the front door

"Okay, thank you!" I said while making my way now to the front door

I exited and let me tell you it was COLD COLD outside, but good thing coincidently I had my jacket with me! Totally not because The author and Readers want to see the ending of this one-shot!

"This should keep me warm for a bit. But what is Gou doing outside? Hopefully he is well dressed in this weather" I said to myself softly while trying to find Gou

I saw a human figure near a tree, slumped down with a human sized bunny near it. I knew right away it was Cinderace and Gou

"GOU!" I said running over to them

"H-huh..? S-Satoshi?" I heard goh say in a tone were he sounds like he is freezing

"Gou why are you not in a jacket!"

"Heh well...."

"Whatever that doesn't matter right now, you have to get warm."


"Thank you Cinderace for trying to keep Goh warm" I said with a small smile

I took off my jacket and put it around Gou, Gou put Cinderace back in its pokeball

"Eh?! Satoshi what are you doing? Keep your jacket!" Gou said immediately as I put the jacket around him and he took it off him.

"Never mind I'll keep it on..." gou said embarrassed when he turned pale because of the coldness

I chuckled a bit "you should keep it on, I have a light sweater on, it might not be much but if you need my jacket I'll always give you it.." I said the last part in a lower voice. I know it wasn't that low to were Gou couldn't hear it but I tried my best

"Aw thank you Satoshi."

"Y-your welcome Gou!" I said blushing

What is this feeling? I feel all bubbly and happy inside when I'm around Gou.

(Authors note: the feeling was friendship /j)

We started walking back to cerise lab and it was getting colder and colder everytime we walked, and since I had a light sweater it was worse for me.

As I felt like I was going to pass out but I felt a head on my shoulder, I looked and saw that it was Gou, he was definitely blushing and so was I.

We stopped infront of the lab door because Gou wanted to tell me something, he got off my shoulder and said "I-I Told Koharu to bring you here but then I wondered too far and I saw a 5 year old who didn't have a jacket so I gave him mine and so he went off to his place I'm guessing. So I sat down by a near by tree without a jacket and Cinderace came out it's pokeball to warm me up it kinda worked but after 20 minutes you came, but that isn't why I wanted you here.. the thing is"

I heard Gou say something in a low voice

"Hey gou can you speak a little louder?"

He spoke a bit louder but I couldn't make out words so I told him to speak up louder

"I L-L" that's all I heard until the rest became quite, "speak a bit louder."

"I-I Love you!"

I was shocked but I felt happy?

I was quite for 5 minutes until I said

"I-I love you too..."


Hahaha that's all for today folks, sorry for the short chapter lol but I needed to get something out, Part 2 of the last chapter will be out soon hopefully lol even if it's so predictable. Bye that's all for now :)
(I was listening to 'if I could tell her' while writing this oneshot)

Word count: 802


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