Please dont leave me Pt2

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"My name is Kayla"

(Stills Gou's POV)


I haven't seen her in a few years, for some context you clueless readers. She used to be my old classmate we talked but like every so often, we are NOT friends but just saying that for you readers, anyways back to the story.

"Well that's a cool name, Kayla!"

"Thank you Satoshi!"

"Oh! This is my best friend, Gou"

"Nice to see you Kayla"

"Oh, hello Gou"

"Are you guys friends with each other?" Satoshi questioned

"Being friends is a stretch..." I said scratching the back of my neck

"Really Gou? After all those times we talked we aren't friends?"

"We only talked like 3 times, hush up!" I said and crossed my arms

"Geez guess I hit a nerve."

"Hehe..." Satoshi finally said

"Anyways... Nice meeting you but we gotta get going! Bye Kayla!" Satoshi said, grabbed my hand and started running


"Bye Satoshiiiiiiii" Kayla said in a distance

After a while we got to the hotel we got our room number and stuff you know the stuff you do when you get to a hotel (Author's Note: I've never been in a hotel soooo I don't really know how it is)

After we finished doing all that we went to do our own stuff, I was scrolling through Poketrist and saw a photo of a Strawberry field near us, "Hey Satoshi, there is a Strawberry field near us, do you want to check it out with our Pokémon?"

"Sure, I'd love too!"


"Let's go!!" We said in allusion.




After a few minutes we arrived, it was the most beautifulest thing I've ever seen in my life! We got to the field and made ourselves comfortable, Grookey got off my shoulder and started playing with pikachu. I took out Cinderace, and Satoshi took out Lucario. They went to do their own thing together. After we let out all of our Pokémon we told them to come back here after 2 hours so we can leave, they took off together, like Lucario and cinderace. Do their own things.

Me and Satoshi were talking about random stuff, I brought up the leagues and he told me all about them. Which in my case I say ITS ABOUT ARCEUS TIME

I thought it was pretty cool how his Greninja can do a bond phenomenon. Though I still think pikachu is better.

I think it's time I confess to Satoshi, it's only EVER your Pokémon leave you alone for a bit and your on vacation.

"Hey Satoshi.."

"Yes Gou?"

"Uhm... I have something I need to get off my head"

"And that is?"

"How do I put it..."

"Satoshi, you have been my first friend (see what I did there hehe -Author) and I wanted to tell you something for the longest time, I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."

"Gou... nothing can ruin our friendship!"

"Satoshi.... You don't understand, but what I wanted to say was.. Satoshi I like you!"


"I didn't know you felt the same, heh.." Satoshi said In the quietist tone I've ever heard him


"Gou, I really like you too.."

We started leaning in and then....

Satoshi Passed out.




Anddddddd that's it lol Hahahahah this is short and it sucks but it's the best I can do at the moment, I will be posting another part of this soon (maybe) but it might take a while, I'm posting another oneshot and it's going to be a songfic :]

See you guys :D

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