Please dont leave me.

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Genre: Angst and fluff


Satoshi: Ash
Gou: Goh
Koharu: Chloe

Gou's POV



"please...? Please come back to me! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!"


"Gou.. I love you."

"Satoshi? Satoshi? SATOSHI!"

"I'm sorry kid. He's not coming back."


"No. I don't believe this! NO. THIS ISNT REAL. HES STILL ALIVE. Right..Right....?"


I got up so quickly, sweat dripping on my forehead

"It was just a nightmare, phew"

If felt so real.

"Gou? What are you doing awake at 4 in the morning" a voice came from under my bed (IT's THE DEMON UNDER HIS BED)

"Oh, it was nothing Satoshi, just had a nightmare that's all" I wasn't lying but I felt a bit scared because of the nightmare. I don't want him to leave me! I need him.

"Oh, well if you want we can talk a bit, to get you ease from your nightmare" Satoshi said sounding tired as heck

"I would like that."

{Time skip cause author is to unmotivated and started listening to funny stuff than sad stuff to get motivated}

It was now 5 am and Satoshi fell asleep, I was awake thinking about the nightmare I had, it's haunting me. But I think I should sleep for a bit before I get up .


Hm? I guess it was nothing


Okay now what was that? Oh it was just Satoshi. Hope he's alright

I drifted to sleep, this dream was happier and brighter than the last one, this one was me and Satoshi in a strawberry field, having a picnic. Pikachu was playing with Grookey, Cinderace and Lucario were in the center of the field, playing around. Me and Satoshi were having our time together and it was the best.

"Hey Satoshi.."


"I have something to say."

"And that is?"

"I like you!"


"I like you too.."



Our faces inched closer and closer until we almost were about too...


I woke up, I checked the time. It was 8 am, I guess it's time to get up now..

[time skip to when gou finished getting ready]

"Satoshi. Get up"

I heard Koharu say.


"Satoshi." Koharu sounded more irritated now


"Get up."







"Now get ready. My dad wants to talk to you guys."

"Okay okay.."

Satoshi got up and walked to the shower with a towel and started to shower, I sat on my bed watching videos on my rotom phone. After a bit Satoshi got out of the shower and changed in the bathroom { obvi I'm not gonna make them change in the bedroom when one of them is in there >:( }

"Let's go now!" Satoshi exclaimed


We made our way to the main laboratory

"Professor, why did you call us here?"

"Ah Satoshi, Gou. I called you guys here to tell you that I'm giving you guys a little vacation for helping us a lot."


"Ahh! When will we go?"

"Today in 5 hours."

"HUH" We both shouted

"I forgot to tell you guys yesterday.. my bad" Professor said a bit cheeky

"But besides that get packing you two!" Said Chrysa


[I know there is so many time skips but please bare with me here]

<btw they are in the plane>

"Phew! We actually managed to do all that in time" I said

"I know right! Tell me about it" Satoshi said


"Are you alright?"

"I th- *Cough* -ink so *Cough*"

"Here have this" I gave him a cold water bottle

"Thanks *cough* Gou" he said as he took my water bottle and drank it

"Satoshi you need to take better care of yourself!"

"If I could I would" he said after CHUGGING THE WHOLE ENTIRE WATER BOTTLE???? (Just the water not the plastic)

"HERE WE ARE KALOS!!" I heard Satoshi screech out

I looked to my left and right and saw that people were all saying things about ash like:

"Isn't that Ash Ketchum?!"

"The Alola league champion AND the one that defeated Tapu Koko, Also the runner up in the Kalos league?!"

"Yes! Him"

"I want to be friends with him, he seems cool"

"You only say that because you have a crush on him"

"I do not!"

"Say what you want but you can't deny the truth"



"H-hi.." said a random girl to Satoshi


"I'm Kayla.."

"Nice to meet you Kayla!"

Hello again, Author here. I'm gonna make a pt.2 to this because it's been like a week since I posted here and I'm starving and tired soooooooooo yeaaaaaaaaaaaa

Also if your wondering what this story's plot is, the person who gave me the idea/requested it was: Thedevil2465.

Word count: 804


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