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In my dream, I saw birds flying south against the breeze
I saw colours bleached white while the once blue sky burned in amber glow
I felt weeds crawl over my feet to kill the last crop and cow
I saw the bones and heard the dying howls amongst the hollowed footsteps of famine
I felt a thickness in my throat and a pain in my jaw
I saw the great minds of my own generation claw at the walls of dried wells
Buried under a mirage of weather
Others were washed away by the realities of today's life, rarely water came to drown them
I watched the flickering eyes of neon glow paint upon the canvas the desperate tears and sunken cheeks of aliens
I witnessed the idle chess pieces push a joker to play on the chessboard, watching him burn the great House down
I felt fear brand itself onto my cells
And the black tar of uncertainty tasted vile
But I swallowed
We all swallowed
The red dust choking
And the blood lust blinding
And the fear overflowing
He is not home now!
He is not home now!!

I cough and gasp awake
The morning glow letting me forget fear's vow
I sigh and rest against the window
And watch the birds fly south.

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