☆ Part 13 ☆

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Days past...

Agustin was busy writing poems for julieta. He wrote more than a dozen poems and put them in a box.

"And... done" he said as he wiped off a fake sweat.

"Agustin! Your friend is here" he heard his mother yell and went to see who it was. He saw sofia chatting in the living room with his mother.

"Oh, hola sofia" he waved and joined them in the living room.
"We havent hung out in a while now. And its been days since i last saw you at the madrigal's. What's up?"
"I was just writing poems for julieta"
"Well, thats nice"
"Oh, and can you give this to her? You two have been hanging out, right?"

Agustin gave sofia the box filled with poems. Sofia gave him a confused expression and looked at the box.

"A box?"

Agustin nodded and opened it.

"Its filled with poems i wrote for her"
"You really like her, huh?"
Agustin nodded and put a white rose inside the box with the poems.


Sofia arrived at casa madrigal and knocked on the door. Pepa wasnt surprised that it was her but she still wasnt quite comfortable with her.

"Hola, pepa. Is julieta there?"
"She's with mama. They went to town to buy ingredients for her"
"Oh. Ill just leave this here. Its from agustin"
"You can stay for a while. You and julieta are friends afterall. They'll be back soon"

Pepa let sofia in and they silently waited for julieta and alma to come home.

"So what's in the box?" Pepa asked
"A bunch of poems agustin wrote for julieta" sofia said and shrugged.

It was silent for a moment, then pepa asked sofia something.

"Do you like agustin?"

Sofia's eyes widened by the question.

"Uhh no. Why would i?"
"I thought you liked him"
"Yea i 'liked' him, but i met someone new"
"Uh huh... why do you keep hanging out with julieta? Are you friends with agustin?"

Sofia was surprised by the Q&A and thought for a moment.

"Okay, so i hang out with julieta because i want to. And yes, im friends with agustin"

Eventually, the two warmed up to each other and started talking about random stuff.

"Wanna read what agustin wrote?" Pepa asked
"I dont think that would be a good idea"
"Lets just read one"

They opened the box and took out all the poems.

"Wow, these are a lot" pepa said as she picked one.

"Oh, julieta. You're the most beautiful girl i have ever met" pepa said with an exaggerated tone. Sofia laughed and also read a line.

"I have never met anyone with such beauty, such grace" she held her laughter. "I want to kiss your face" she added. Pepa bursted out laughing.

"Wait, did he really write that?"

The two kept reading agustin's poems out loud until they heard the door creak.

"Oh no"

They gathered agustin's poems and put it back inside the box quickly.

"Where's the flower"
"What flower?"
"There was a white rose with the poems"

They hid the box and started searching for the flower.

"Pepa? What's Sofia doing here?"

They turned around and saw bruno eating an arepa.

"Oh thank god its just you" pepa said. "Sofia came here to give something to julieta from agustin and we're looking for a missing flower"

"You mean this flower?" Bruno held out a white rose.
"Where did you find it?" Pepa asked
"Uhh the floor?"

"We're home!"


Bruno hid the flower behind his back.

"Sofia, you're here!" She said and gave sofia a side hug. She was still carrying bags of ingredients.

"Ill help you with that, julieta" she said and looked at pepa and bruno. Pepa nodded and bruno was just lost.

The two went to the kitchen and started fixing everything.
Pepa took the flower from bruno and put it back in the box.

"Is that for julieta?" Bruno asked
Pepa nodded and fixed everything.


"Julieta, how's it going with agustin?" Sofia asked

Julieta made a sad face and let out a sigh.

"I havent seen him in the past few days"

Sofia pat julieta's back and said that she doesnt have to worry.

"Agustin actually has a delivery for you" she said

Sofia took the box and gave it to julieta.
Pepa went to the kitchen with them and started teasing julieta as she opened the box.
"Yieeee she got dem poems" she teased

Julieta was surprised to see that he made more than a dozen poems for her.
"Wow, these are a lot" she said.

She took out the flower and closed the box with the poems still inside.

"Arent you gonna read those?" Sofia asked
"Ill read them inside my room later" she answered.

Sofia went home and the madrigals started preparing for their dinner.

"Julieta, sofia isnt as bad as i thought"
"Told you so"
Julieta giggled and went back to preparing the table.

"Oh, and julieta..." pepa said
"Agustin's poems are kinda cringey"
She laughed and julieta just shook her head.


After dinner...

Julieta went to her room and put the rose next to the flowers from before.
She started reading the poems one by one. She giggled at some lines and some doodles on the papers.

"These are lovely" she whispered.

《 Honey Bees 》Julieta MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now