*As We Come Across The Land Of The Phyrexian Palace We See Our 4 Praetors On The Couch...*
3rd POV
Geth: I'm So Fucking Bored. What The Hell Can We Do?
Vorinclex:Eating Contest?
Geth: Ew No Bro Wtf.
Jin-Gitaxias:War Crimes Against The Innocent?
Geth: Yeah...That's A You Thing J.
Urabrask: Watching TV Or Making A Cake Or Something Along The Lines Of That?
Geth& Everyone Else: Why And The Hell Are You So Oddly Specific???
Urabrask:I Don't Know.
*As They Finish talking the door rings and a package is at the front door.*
Urabrask:Hey! Some Fucking Box Is Here with our names on em!
Jin-Gitaxias:Why and the hell would their be a box with all of our names on it?
Vorinclex: Oh shit. Their gonna kill me. Uhhh maybe it's a gift or something?
*As they open it they see four rings that glow with Mystic Energy.*
Vorinclex:Holy Shit. That's Fucking Awesome! Let's Put Em On!
(As They Put Them On They Are Transported To Another Universe...Unknown To Them At The Time, They Are Now Connected To The Multiverse.)
Elesh Norn:Hey, Were Back From the Store! Hello? where the fuck did they go? Guys?!
Sheoldred: Where In The Hell Are Those Four!
Elesh Norn: I Have Not A Fucking Clue Sis.
Sheoldred: Maybe We should probably get to searching the entire plane for them,Or get a search party too.
Elesh Norn: But that's takes a lot of time and effort that we don't have right now. Besides, I'm tired as shit after Going to that party With you.
Sheoldred:Yeah, You're Right About The Time and effort thing. And I did tear up the dance floor. Plus, That guy was a little cutie tho.
Elesh Norn:Hey. Don't start simping on me now.
To Be Continued...
Phyrexia; Praetor Reach
HumorSo....You Know The Praetors Right? Vorinclex, Jin-Gitaxias, Urabrask, And Geth Yeah? So What Happens When They Travel Through Universes And Do The Stupidest Bullshit Imaginable? Well, You Get This Book. Have Fun! And Also, Comment Your Criticism So...