A/N:Well, I'm Gonna Say This. This Was. A ASS Idea I'm My Mind. So If You Want To Make A Chapter, Hit Mé Rd Up My Bois. I Dead Ass Will Take Any Fucking Ideas. So Hit Me Up In The Pms. Now, With That Aside...Some Things Too.
Bold: Shouting, Scenery, Events. Or things characters are doing
Italics: Thinking, Things In The Scene.
Underlined: Whispering, Or Characters Things That happened to them.
[Let Us Move Onto The Finale Of This Story!]
[As Yellow Diamond Slams Into Vorinclex, He Rips A Good Chunk Of Her Arm Clean Off. Before Getting Hit With A Heavy Shock From The Diamonds Aura. Urabrask Tries To Burn Blue Diamond With His Unyielding Flames, But Gets Douced In Water Before Getting Slammed On Top A Sharp Rock n The Beach.]
Urabrask (in Horrific Pain And Slowly Bleeding From His Wound): Alright. I Think I'm Pretty Okay For A Bleeding Dinosaur Thing.
Blue Diamond: Yield And I Shall Not Touch You. Try To Attack Me And I Will Bring All If Pink Diamonds Wrath Upon You.
[As She Says That Her Form Dissipates As Gitaxias Plunges His Drill Like Claws Onto Here Chest. Destroying Her Form, Leaving Only Her Gem Behind.]
Jin-Gitaxias:And Stay The FUCK Down!
Urabrask (Wheezing): Nice Job Lil Bro. Oh Christ...I Don't Feel So Good.
(As Yellow Diamond Slams Vorinclex Into The Ground Ripping His Chest Cavity Open, He Plunges His Hand Into Yellows Chest And Crunches Her Gem, Her Form Busting Into Dust.)
Vorinclex (Bleeding And Mouth Filled With Gem Shards, Yelling): I AM ALL THAT HUMANITY AND NATURE STANDS FOR! (ROARING)
Jin-Gitaxias:Wow, Look at that beautiful Fucking Dinosaur Of Steel.
Urabrask:Hell Yeah! That's My Brother!
Geth:Fuck Yeah! Vorinclex For The Win!
Gems And Steven:Woah!
(And as they had high fived each other the had opened a portal, and we're walking into it.)
Praetors:Hey! All If You Stay Safe Ya Know? We Don't Want To Come Here Again For A Incident Ya Hear?
Steven:Okay! You Guys Take Care!
Geht:You Too Kid.
Urabrask:Stay Safe Steven!
Vorinclex:We Will! And You Guys Take Good Care Of The Kid Ya Hear!
Jin-Gitaxias:Well See You Later!
Crystal Gems:Goodbye!
(As they stepped into the portal the smiled at the pretty sunset and had smiled with sheet bliss)
Jin-Gitaxias:You Know, This Is Pretty And Beautiful. I Hope That We Go Somewhere NOT filled with murder and sadness.
Vorinclex:Yup. Now Come On Guys! We Ain't. Got too much time left to be in here.
Geth & Urabrask: Alright Alright, Were Coming Okay?
Vorinclex: Fine. Ongi da, goazen mutilak. Ez dugu denbora galtzeko!
An deireadh. Ri leantainn
Phyrexia; Praetor Reach
HumorSo....You Know The Praetors Right? Vorinclex, Jin-Gitaxias, Urabrask, And Geth Yeah? So What Happens When They Travel Through Universes And Do The Stupidest Bullshit Imaginable? Well, You Get This Book. Have Fun! And Also, Comment Your Criticism So...