Chapter One

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It's been minutes maybe hours of the band 5 Seconds if Summer, walking, looking for a shelter for the night.

It had been six thirty at night when their tour bus, or as they liked to refer to it or him as "Gus Bus" had broken down. Unfortunately, the driver wouldn't have been able to fix it. The reason being it was already too dark to see and would have to wait for morning. Also the bus wasn't fit to stay in over night, as they where doing their Canadian leg of the tour in the beginning of early winter. So no snow yet, but it was under O degrees Celsius, and the bus being broken down resulted in it being power less and heat less.

They had waited an hour or two for a truck or car or maybe even a van to pass by, but nothing came.

"How much longer do you think we'll be walking! I'm tired." Luke Hemmings, the youngest of the band, wined.

"Not much longer, I think I see something up ahead in still not sure what it is though." Ashton Irwin the oldest, but not exactly the most responsible of the band, replied.

"I don't care how much longer it is or what it is, I don't care as long as they have food, preferably pizza." Michael Clifford, the second oldest and for sure the hungriest of the band, commented.

"I just want there to be electricity! I have to admit, Canada is one of my favourite country's, but not in the winter it's, just, so, c-c-cold!" Calum hood. The last of the band to be presented and as you guessed it the second youngest, stuttered.

"I have to agree with Calum. Yes I might be tired and hungry," Ashton said pointing to Luke and Michael, "But I really just want to have a worm place to stay for the night."

Even though they didn't want to admit it, Michael and Luke knew ashton and Calum was right, because if they find a worm place with electricity, then they could go to sleep and most likely have food there too. Even if it wasn't pizza.

After a few more minutes of walking, Michael decided to check the time on his phone.
That means they have been walking for exactly one hour and fifteen minutes.

As he was looking at the lock screen on his phone, witch was a picture of him and his girlfriend Sarah, they had reached a place of possible shelter, an old abandoned orphanage.

It was old and scary, and look like it just came out of a horror flim. But it was their only option.

Of corse ,because it was abandoned, the gate was unlocked.

They walked in and started exploring. There was a long stone pathway leading to the front doors. Right as they started walking towards it, they heard a loud BANG!

Luke let out a surprised and very unmanly squeal. " What was that?" He worryingly asked.

"That was you screaming like a little girl." Michael said in a duh tone, but under is brave bad boy image, he too was petrified of this place and just wanted to get out of there.

They all turned around and saw that the gate have been slammed shut. Calum ran up to it and tried to open it but it was jammed.

"It was probably just the wind, right?" Luke asked nervously. They all may have been scared but Luke was the most scared of all, being the baby of the band and all.

"I guess we have no choice but to go inside." Ashton sighed.

Hey walked up to the door but before they could try to open it, it opened on its own.

"This place is just getting creepier by the minute." Michael said not wanting to show he too was scared.

"Thank you captain obvious, we didn't already realize that the place is most likely haunted." Calum said sarcastically

"I didn't say it was haunted I just said it was creepy!" He shot back. Even if he agreed it was most likely haunted.

As they walked inside, the light flickered on all by them selves. Then they heard something very unusual.

"HELP ME! SHES HURTING ME!" They heard a little girl about five or six scream.

"That's just creepy, I want to get out of here." Luke said. But once again, the door slammed on its own and wouldn't budge. He then ran to a window but they had metal bars over them.

"I guess we're stuck in here for the night." Calum sighed. None of them wanted to but they had no choice, if the Dorris won't open and the windows have bars over them there's no way out.


Sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I had other stuff to do and I just lost track of time. I hope you still like this chapter though. : )

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