Chapter Six

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As he hit the surface, he found that it wasn't water, that it was far more red then that, it was blood. He quickly tried to resurface and escape from the pool of blood, but something was holding him under. Two cold hands, wrapped tightly around his neck, forcing him down into the blood, it quickly started to fill his lungs, so much entered that he started choking on it before everything went black...

As he woke up, he felt pounding on his chest, like somebody was pushing down on it multiple times. Michael quickly sat up, coughing up all of the cold substance that was left in his lungs. He opened his eyes to find a girl, not very much younger then him, he would say she was at least sixteen, eighteen at the most.

"Great! You're awake! I was scared you were dead for a second there." Michael stared at the girl in confusion, who is this girl? Where am I? How did she find me? He thought.

"My names Clarice, gross, I know, so you can call me Clare." She smiled, as she held out her hand for him to shake. Michael knew something wasn't right with this girl, but he shook her hand anyway.

"Where am I?" He said, standing up, looking around, taking in his surroundings.

"You're in the classrooms, I found you on the ground struggling, blood coming out of you're mouth, so I tried doing CPR. I didn't think it would work because you were coughing up blood, but it was worth a try, and it worked!"

Meanwhile, the others started panicking, finally realizing Michael was missing. Little did they know, he was just a few class rooms down...

"Come on guys we have to go find him, he may act tough and all, but on the inside he's still just a sweet little kitten." Luke worriedly said, rushing around the room, pacing back and forth.

"Oh come on, he's fine. I'm sure he'll be here in five minutes time." Calum said, twirling around in the turnable teachers chair. "Speaking of time, what time is it? My phone died ages ago" He added, stoping to wait for an answer, before starting it up again.

Ashton pulled out his phone, and looked at the time. 12:00 am. As he looked at the time, he saw the background of him and his girlfriend, Niamh, and let a single tear slip down his face, he quickly wiped it away before anybody noticed.

"It's midnight, on the dot." He said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going out to find him." Luke announced, storming to the door. "Allison, are you coming with me?" He asked. As much as he didn't trust the girl, he had to bring someone along, and she knew the place better then anyone.

"Yay! I love finding people! It's like hide and seek!" She's squealed, before jumping from her spot on the floor and joining Luke at the door.

As Luke opened the door, they heard a growel. Luke's face went pale, before he slammed the door shut and turned his back to it.

"Guys, I think we have company."


ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!! What what!? I guess you guys didn't expect one this soon did ya? Sorry it's short, I just had an idea, but I didn't want to give too much away, I'll try to do my best to update again tomorrow, or maybe even later today? Am I saying double update? Yes I am! But maybe not, I have other books to update too. And sadly, I'll be ending this book soon, wether it goes to ten chapters, or twenty chapters, it will be finished soon. But not worry's! I will, be doing a sequel. But it won't be in the orphanage, it will be about what happens later. So they'll be no Allison, or maggie or creepy old mr. Gold. HEY THAT RHYMED! I'm so lame. Tell me what you think!

Until next time!


Words: 680

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