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So I was tagged to do this by 5SOS4ever2828

Nickname: M&M

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Dirty Blonde

One fact about me: I can play six instrument

Favourite colour: darkish purple

Favourite place: probably Montreal

Favourite celebrities: why too many to choose, but mostly 5sos, ATL, FOB, Green Day and all dem artists

Favourite animal: a baby penguin or a llama, because they're more fabulous than you O.0 (jk, jk ur all fabulous)

Favourite song: it's always changing, but at the moment it's probably phycosocial by slipknot

Favourite book: the outsiders by S.E.Hinton

I tag elisheba27

I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I'm working on the next chapter. I've just been really busy with school and now sports season is starting at my school so I have to work hard to make the teams of the sports I like.

I hold you all understand and that this was a fun little thing for you guys to get to know me better!

😘 SquishyPuppy

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