Chapter Eight

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Michael shot up, Finally being in his own body and not some kind on ghost, scarring the others gathered around him.

"Michael? Is that you?" Luke said, wanting to hug him, but decided not to seeing he was covered in blood.

"Yeah I think so." He replied, taking in his surrounding. "I've had the weirdest dream."

"Well you can tell us about it later, it's time to get out of the dump." Calum says looking around, trying to find a way to get out.

"No I think you need to hear this, it felt so real, I think it might not of been a dream and actually happened." He explained.

"Ok go." Ashton said, as they all sat down around him.

Two hours had passed, making it now 2:00 am. After Michael explained his "dream", they started wondering around looking for a way out, seeing they lost the key in their little "game" with Maggie.

"Michael." Said a mysterious voice only Michael could hear.

"Guys wait, I think a spirt is trying to talk to me." He said, getting everyone to stop and wait to see what he or she would say.

"There's a spare key in the attic, I'll be up there to show you where it is." Said a voice that sounded like a ten year old girl.

"Guys! There's a spare key in the attic! Allison, you think you bring us there? Allison? Allison?!" Michael worried.

Soon enough everybody was yelling "Allison" to try and find her.

"Sowwy, I thought I saw Maggie so I ran to hide from her." She said, making cute little puppy dog eyes.

"It's fine, will you take us to the addic?" Ashton asked.

"To the Attic you say? Sure!" She says suspiciously, but nobody notices.

Soon, they find them selves climbing up the stairs to the attic.

"So Michael, did this 'spirt' say where the key was?" Luke asked, just wanting to leave this place already.

"No but-" Michael started explaining but he cut himself off because of the sight in front of him. Cute little Allison was tied up on the floor with, Allison? Behind her? The only person her could think of was Maggie.


"You got that right." She shot back. "Now, you know I can't let you leave here alive. Or leave at all for that matter." She said, and some how, the door slammed shut.

"Night night!" She said, before everything went black, for all four of them.


Sorry it's short, the next one will be way longer! Only two more chapters and/or a epilogue left! But come on, who exited for the sequel?! It's going to be an all new story line! I've already got the first few chapters written! I'm thinking of maybe slowing down my updates a bit so I'll have more time to write and once school starts for me, I could still update with out having to write, and so the books will last longer and I'll have more ideas :/

Any way, tell me what you think will happen next, if there's any other of my books you want me to update and stuff, and well, let's try to get this to 2k? Right? Ok!

Until next time!


Words: 550

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