Austin's pov
My dreams last night were confusing and I didn't understand anything that happened. When I tried to sort something out the dream changed and I was confused again. I was awoken by the screaming of my alarm. I didn't open my eyes at first, I just sat there and stared at the ceiling. I so tired, but I want to see him. I shouldn't be thinking like this. Yeah we kissed, but maybe he is just using me. There are alot of girls that drool over him. Maybe he just wants to see if he can get both genders.
I kept that in my mind all the way to school. I went to my first class right after I went to my locker. I sat in the back trying to hide from everyone in the class. I hoped he wouldn't be here today. If he was then he would be forced to sit in the seat next to me because it was the only one open. It was seconds away from the late bell when he entered the classroom. I saw him scan the room for a seat. He smiled when he saw the only one open was the one next to me. He sat next to me,"Hey cutie," He whispered to me so only I could hear him. I blushed and looked away. Why does he do this? Why is he toying with me. What if he isn't, what if he actually likes me, maybe he feels the same way. Same way about what? I don't like him. Do I? I did kiss him back, twice. Maybe I do like him...
Dakota's pov
I could tell he was thinking about something because he was frowning and he would occasionally shake his head. It looked like he was arguing with himself inside his head. I chuckled and looked over at him which made him zone back in. "What's so funny?" he asked me. I chuckled,"You are." "How am I being funny right now?" He said with alittle pout on his face. "Well considering you keep frowning and shaking your head, it looks like you're arguing with yourself inside your head." "Well I am." "What are you "arguing" with yourself about?" I asked him. He blushed," Nothing you need to know about." I nudged him and smirked,"You're going to tell me sooner or later." He glared at me and rolled his eyes,"No I won't and you can't make me." I giggled and whispered into his ear,"I have my ways..." He blushed a deep red and looked forward not saying another word to me.
He was cute when he blushed.

Love at first sight...<3
Teen FictionDakota has met alot of new people before since he is a part of the buddy system. (A system set up at his school where people sign up to show new kids around) But this new kid Austin might be someone Dakota will never forget, Will he face facts and t...