Part 22

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So o3o I hope you guys like this chapter. VOTE/COMMENT!!!!!!!!! Please? ;w;

Dakota's pov

   "Austin?" I asked him dazed and confused. His eyes over flowed with tears,"Dakota." He said rushing towards me. He wrapped his arms around me and I groaned. "Oh, sorry. Forgot about that." "It's fine." I said breathless. Tears streamed down his face,"Hey, don't cry. There's no need. I'm fine." I said wiping away his sadness. "That's why I'm crying, I'm just so relieved that you're alright." I leaned up towards him as much as I could and he leaned down towards me. Our lips met and I softly kissed him. "Austin?" He pulled out of the kiss and turned towards the door. His face shrouded in horror. There was a man, in his late forties, standing in the doorway. "Dad?" Who I'm guessing is his father narrowed his eyes towards me,"Is that him?" Austin nodded through tears. "You're the boy who earned my son a one way ticket to hell." His hands were clenched into fists. My eyes widened. "Son, we're leaving." Austin stepped towards his father then stopped. He looked at me,"No." He stood next to my hospital bed and held my hand,"No, I'm not going anywhere. I love him, and if you're not okay with that then disown me. I don't care anymore. I don't want you as my father if you can't except me for who I am." His dad looked at him,"Son?" Austin narrowed his eyes,"No." His father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose,"I'm not going to lose my son over something like this. I'm sorry for how I acted, I shouldn't have thrown you out like that." I looked up at Austin,"Is that why you broke up with me?" Austin nodded,"I'm so sorry." I squeezed his hand,"It's okay, atleast I have you now." His father flinched when I said that. "It's gonna take me awhile to get used to it though." "Wait, so I can be with Dakota?" He clenched his jaw,"Yes, just are you sure you're fully, well you know, gay?" His father shifted uncomfortably. "Actually, I'm Bisexual." "Well, I guess that's alittle bit better." A nurse walked in,"Sir's? I'm sorry to say this but, visiting hours are over. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." "We were just leaving." His father walked out the door and motioned for Austin to follow. Before he turned to leave he leaned down and pecked me on the lips,"I'll be back tomorrow." "I'll be waiting." I said with a smile. 

   He did infact come back, he came back everyday until I got let out of the Hospital actually. Spending time with him made my time there seem very, very short. I was back in school and had been for awhile. Things were better, I was happier. I was standing infront of my locker when Austin came up behind me,"Hello handsome." I turned around and gave him a peck on the lips,"Hey cutie." He giggled,"You ready for lunch?" "Mhm." I grabbed my bag and walked into the lunch room with him by my side. Austin's friends Alex and Alexis ran up to us,"Austin!" They yelped sadly. "What's wrong?" Alexis leaned her head on her brother's shoulder,"We have bad news." "What is it?" "Alex, you tell him." He frowned,"We're moving." "What? No!" "Ugh, I know right." Alexis sulked. "Where are you moving?" I asked. "Some supid little town in Oregon." "That doesn' sound so bad." I responded back. "Yeah, for you." I bit my tongue. I was actually kinda happy they were leaving, it gave Austin more time to spend with me. Does that sound selfish? I wrapped one arm around Austin's waist,"Let's go get some food." He smiled up at me,"Mkay. Wait, when are you guys leaving?" Alexis sighed,"In about a month." "Wow, can't even finish the school year?" Ugh, I know right." Alex groaned. I led Austin towards the lunch line where we got our trays and sat down. It actually turned out that Peter went to our school, he was a new kid. Kit found this sweet girl named Silvia and Grace just started dating this guy named Tyler. Everything was turning out great for everyone. And I was happy to have Austin back in my arms. 

Well, I'm sorry to say this but the next chapter is the end</3 I love you ;c VOTE/COMMENT!!! Please??? ;w;

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