Part 11

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Ugh sorry if you read my other story I started (A broken world) I'm just trying to think of some ideas for the next chapter it might be alittle bit longer. Oh and I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND ANYONE FOR THE OTHER CHARACTERS BUT I'M LOOKING SO CALM YO TITS!!!!!! >:O VOTE/COMMENT!!!

Dakota's pov

   I was pretty excited for Austin to see where I was taking him. "He's going to love it!!!" I squealed inside of my head. I just met the guy and I'm already for some reason head over heels for him. I guess you could say it was love at first sight? No that's cheesy. I saw him reach over and turn down the stereo,"Whatcha thinkin 'bout, Kota?" I heard him say in a sweet curious tone. He sounded like a little kid wondering what someone was doing. "Oh nothing, just wondering if you will like where I'm taking you." "Tell me where we are going and I will tell you if I will like it or not!" He wined. I glanced over at him and chuckled when I turned onto a dirt road. "Why are we going down here?" He asked me. "Well this is the way to the spot." "You didn't plan a picnic did you?" I chuckled,"No, I just think you might think it looks cool because I do." "Oh okay." I glanced over at him to see him scoot closer to me. The front seat of my car was connected by a small chair for a small human being. He sat there curled up close to me as I drove down the road. It was a good ten minutes before I could tell him we were here. I really didn't want to tell him because it appeared that he had fallen asleep. He was so cute when he was asleep. He looked peaceful. I woke him anyway. "We have to walk from here." He held open his arms and giggled," Carry me?" I swooped him up into my arms and carried him bridal style. I carried him with little effort since he was pretty small. I walked through the tall grass and trees. I had brought him to a foresty area which I came to quite often to think about things. It was also where I spent most of my childhood with friends. We used to cut the tall grass in some areas close to peoples homes far off into the distance. But the area I am caring him to, I had just discovered two years ago on my own. I walked through a tiny opening in the trees and I saw his eyes widen. 

   If you looked to the left side there was a small little creek that ran through the Field and to the right the grass was full of colorful flowers. The end directly infront of us a good walk away there was a line of trees. Infront of those trees were bushes of berries. If we stayed long enough we could see the sun set over the trees. He seemed to be taking all of it in. I set him down onto his feet and he ran from the top of the hill downwards into the large meadow. If you looked around you could see wildlife spring off towards the trees. Deer, Rabbits, and Birds darted in different directions. I watched as Austin spun around in circles. I then went down to the base of the hill. He ran up to me and pulled me after him. He led me close to the center of the meadow and spun us around in circles. He tripped and we both fell. I was laying ontop of him and he was under me,"Well hello cutie." I said giggling. He started to giggling and before we could stop ourselves we were both laughing our asses off. He then rolled over ontop of me and pinned me down. He giggled," I got you." "No", I said while rolling over ontop of him and pinning him down," I got you." I heard him let out a whine,"What's wrong?" I asked him. "Your grip is to tight." He said wincing." "Oh sorry." I said loosening my grip on his wrists. That's when everything happened really fast. I saw a smile creep up on his face and the next thing I knew, He had my arms pinned above my head and had my legs pinned under neath his own. 

"Okay Austin you win!" I surrendered to him. "What do I win?" He asked me raising an eyebrow. "Anything you want and desire most." "Well there is one thing..." "And what could that one thing be?" "This." He leaned down and kissed me softly. His lips were soft and warm. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into my mouth. I didn't want it to end, but everything ends one way or another. He pulled out of the kiss leaving me wanting more. He got up off of me and stood up. I followed him. I swooped my arms under him and picked him up. He giggled,"And what might this be for?" "What, can I not pick up my boyfriend?" "So I'm your boyfriend?" "Of course you are." I said to him holding my forehead against his. I kissed him again and he smiled. I once again set him down. I heard his phone vibrate from his back pocket and before he could reach into his pocket to get it I grabbed it for him. I could already tell his face turning red from the whole putting my hand into his back pocket thing. I don't see why that would make him blush. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and unlocked his phone. 

January 12th, 2013 5:01pm

Message sent from Mary

Message: Hey Austin I just wanted to know where Dakota took you? Oooooo~ are you guys on a date?!?!?! 

  Completely ignoring the text message Austin asked me,"Is this a date?" "Do you want it to be one." "Um...if you want it to be one." "If it was a date would it be a nice one?" He smiled," Yes, We could be at a dump and it would still be nice." "Well now that you say it I was actually thinking about taking you to the city dump for our n-" He stopped me by turning around in my arms. "Dakota." "hm?" "Shut up and kiss me." I chuckled and kissed him softly. "How was that?" "Hm, I know you can do better." He said teasingly to me. "Oh so you wanted me to kiss you like this." "like wha-" He began to say but this time I stopped him mid-sentence. I pulled him close to me and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back. I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth so my tongue could enter his mouth once again. He tangled his hand into the hair on the back of my head and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. I massaged his tongue with my own and I could hear a small moan escape from the back of his throat. I pulled out of the kiss panting," How was that?" He blushed,"Um..I....." I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled," There aren't even words." I grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him up the hill. "Where are we going?" He asked me from behind. "Aren't you hungry?" 

Austin's pov

   Now that I think about it I am pretty hungry. I let him drag me to his car and watched as he opened the passenger seat door for me. I got into the car and he did the same. My lips were still tingling from the kiss. Surprisingly I found myself wanting more. For a second I actually regretted stopping him last night but the thought passed as soon as it entered my mind. I cuddled up close to him. "Where do you want to go." I asked him. "Well there is a nice little Japanese place in Athens. It has some pretty good food." I smiled," Let's go there." He wrapped an arm around me and the other one was on the wheel. "Okay." He said to me.

HeHe surprise, surprise Austin thought maybe he shouldn't have stopped Kota. Do YOU guys think he shouldn't have stopped him??? COMMENT AND TELL ME~~~~~>

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