Chapter 2

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"Naoko are you staying here or going home tonight?" Naoko's mom called from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna stay here and go to work with Koshi tomorrow."

"Sounds good, do you need to grab a change of clothes?" She came into the laundry room.

"No, I still have some here."

"Okay, well make sure you two go to sleep." Naoko's mom hugged us both and left the room.

"'Sleep'" Naoko laughed.

"We have work," I laughed with him. I grabbed a basket of folded laundry and put it in my mom's room. I also took a basket filled with my bandages and took it in my room. Once we got into my room, I folded the bandages and put them back in the drawer. Once I finished, I put the basket in my bathroom and closed my door.

"Why is your bed more comfortable than mine?" He groaned as he laid down.

"Because I'm just more awesome," I shrugged, laying next to him. He turned on his side to face me, I did the same.

"Very true."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like, you go everyday without complaining about your situation. You wear bandages day in and day out, and you do everything to help your mom and still save money for a binder and keep good grades in school. It's insane." He whispered. "By the way, your birthday is coming up. What do you want?"

"You should totally do my homework for me," I joked.

"If that is what you want-"

"I'm just kidding, I can do my own homework. I don't know what I want. You could spend the day with me, that'd be enough for me."

"Okay." He smiled. He leaned in close and stuck his tongue out. "Stop being the pretty best friend," he whispered.

"It's not me," I pressed my forehead to his.

"I'll be the judge of that," he leaned forward and connected our lips. My hand crept up to his cheek, holding him close. His hand found its way to waist, staying in the same spot until he pulled me onto his lap. Then he placed them on my hips. One of my hands was tangled in his hair, the other cradling the back of his neck, he never moved his hands.

"You can move your hands," I said in between kisses.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm fine," he sat up and pulled me into a deep kiss, slipping his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my legs around him, making us closer. He only moved his hands to wrap his arms around me. We pulled away to catch our breath.

"What about you? What do you want for your birthday?" I whispered after I caught my breath.

"Just you. Let's do a combined 'party'. You could invite your volleyball team, and we'll have a great time. We don't have to do anything or go anywhere. We can go to the park, buy a few pizzas and be done with it."

"Yeah?" I pressed my forehead to his.

"Mhm. And we can buy our own birthday cake so mom doesn't have to stress."

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled.

"You want to know what else sounds like a plan?"

"What's that?"

"Continuing this." He kissed around my collarbone. I giggled and kissed him. We only did this for another 10-15 minutes before laying down to go to sleep. We woke up the next morning to my mom opening my blinds.

"Good morning my children! You only have 20 minutes to get ready if you want me to drive you to work. Breakfast is on the table!" She called over her shoulder as she left. We both quickly got up and started running around the room.

"I'm going to shower first!" I ran into the bathroom, quickly stripping and getting under the water. I washed my hair and got out. Once I left the bathroom, Naoko ran in right after me. I grabbed the ointment off of my dresser and put some on, then grabbing a bandage roll. I was starting to wrap it when Naoko came out of the bathroom in his boxers.

"Need help?" He came over as I nodded. He very carefully wrapped the bandage making sure it wasn't too tight. "You are a very strong boy," he said in a really high pitched voice, trying to mimic an old lady. "But where are your abs, young man?"

"Hey! That is not fair!"

"How so? I have abs!" He flexed his arms.

"Those are your arms," I threw a shirt at him.

"We are literally the same height and I only weigh 20 more pounds than you-"

"You have more muscle mass in your core. I have muscle mass in my arms and legs. Thanks to volleyball." I slipped my shirt on.

"Tomato potato."

"Those aren't even remotely the same. One is a starch, one is a fruit an-" Naoko cut me off by softly kissing me.

"I'm aware. I'm the one who told you. Now let's go before your mom leaves and we don't get a ride." Naoko grabbed our bag and slung it over his shoulder. I followed him down to the kitchen and made us a plate of food. We quickly ate and cleaned up as my mom came into the kitchen.

"I would've cleaned up," she laughed.

"It was just easier to get it over with. Besides, it didn't take us long at all." I shrugged.

"Okay, well I am leaving right now if you two are ready." She grabbed her keys and went out to her car. Naoko and I rushed out of the door, I paused to lock it. We hopped in my mom's car and she drove us down to the small market store down the street. "I will see you two later, if I finish early I'll come pick you up. Oh! Koshi I put more minutes on your phone."

"Thank you mom! Bye!" We went inside and clocked in.

"I will see you in 4 hours," he held up a peace sign and left the room. I grabbed my apron and went to my register.

"I have come to relieve you, Ennoshita." I fake bowed.

"Thank the lord. My back is killing me," he rubbed his back and hugged me.

"I have Icy Hot in my bag. I'll see you later," I waved him off. He dipped his head and went into the other room. 

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