Chapter 10

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I kept waking up in the middle of the night screaming in pain, my mother rushing in. Finally after a week, I stopped waking up in pain. My mom said she would drive me to Daichi's graduation then to school after. As she was driving I spotted a field of flowers, she stopped and I got two bundles of flowers. Once we got to his graduation, Naoko greeted us with his girlfriend.

"Hey Maya." I smiled.

"Hey Suga!" I handed one of the bundles to Naoko.

"I found them on the side of the road just like you," I joked.

"You remembered," he said dramatically, playing into the joke.

"You were found on the side of the road?" Maya looked at him concerned.

"No," I snickered.

"No, it was just a joke from when we were kids. Let us go tomato." He ruffled my hair and dragged my mom and I to a set of chairs. I sat next to Naoko, trying to refrain from messing with him. Maya was clinging to his arm with her head on his shoulder. I looked back up at the stage, looking for Daichi. We sat through a long ceremony, and I didn't see Daichi the entire time until he was called up. I took pictures as he was given his certificate. After about an hour the ceremony was over and everyone got to go see their family's.

"Suga!" I saw Daichi's friend Micah waving. I went over to him.

"Congrats!" I hugged him.


"Hey I don't mean to keep you from your family but do you know where Daichi is?" I could see his face light up.

"Yeah he's somewhere over there," he gestured behind him.

"Okay, thank you! Congrats again!" He nodded and went to go find his family. I looked around frantically, trying to find Daichi in this sea of blue. I jumped when somebody grabbed my waist. I turned around and jumped into Daichi's arms.

"Oof! Hi baby," he chuckled and hugged me. I held his cheeks as I kissed him. He carefully set me down.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It's been a week," he laughed and pulled me back closer.

"A week too long!" I groaned. I turned as my mom called my name.

"Suga! Let me get pictures of you two." I handed my mom my phone so she could take pictures. I saw Naoko smirking over her shoulder, and people turning around and gasping. I started to get freaked out.

"Turn around so she can get pictures," Naoko called.

"Yeah yeah I got it," I turned around to see Daichi kneeling and holding a box.

"Suga, though our relationship hasn't been a long one, I hope our lives can. I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you, and I hoped and prayed you felt the same. But now I know that I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Sugawara Koshi, will you marry me?" I was frozen to the spot, I could see his hand shaking. I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or if he was nervous or both. I felt my head nodding without even realizing I was.

"Y-yes. Oh my god yes!" I laughed as tears spilled down my cheeks. I could see him let out a breath of relief as he slid the ring onto my finger. I just held onto him and cried as people around us clapped and cheered.

But it also wasn't long before the fighting started.

"What was I supposed to say?! I was drunk!"

"I don't know! Maybe not out me like that! Especially to your homophobic boss!" I screamed.

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