Chapter 3

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I saw Naoko throughout the day, but we mostly stuck to our respected jobs. Once his shift was over, he came over to me.

"Where is the person who is supposed to relieve you?"

"No clue. But my feet hurt like a bitch," I groaned. Naoko kept looking me up and down confused. "What are you looking at?" He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my waist, tying the sleeves. "Please tell me no..."

"Don't take it off," he whispered.

"Then can you call whoever the hell is supposed to relieve me so I can go home?" I leaned on the counter sighing.

"Yeah I got you," he grabbed his phone and went to the other room. I plastered on my fake smile as customers kept coming through my lane. I kept looking at the time, seconds growing into minutes, minutes growing into hours. I was there for four hours overtime, and Naoko wasn't able to get ahold of the person that was supposed to take over for me. I was about to just go home, when someone came bundling through the door.

"Sorry I overslept!" They came running over to me.

"Yeah, so did my period. I was supposed to be home five hours ago! What the hell!" I clenched my hands into fists.

"I know I know! I'm really sorry!" They ran off to get clocked in and came back. "You can go home. I'm really sorry Sugawara-San!" They bowed.

"It's fine. I don't even care anymore," I grimaced. I went to the back room and clocked out, grabbing my stuff.

"Finally dude," Naoko sighed and shook his head. He slowly walked home with me. Once we got to my house, I dropped my bag and ran to my room. I locked the door, and ran into my bathroom. I doubled back and grabbed a pair of sweats from my closet and went into my bathroom. I set Naoko's jacket on the counter. I took a deep breath as I took off my pants. I gagged at the sight of so much blood. I threw my pants and underwear in my laundry bin and grabbed a pair of boxers from under my sink. I went to just throw my shirt in the bin, but I saw my pants making me gag again. I ended up throwing up, making me super dizzy.

I got in the shower and quickly washed my hair. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around myself and sat on the edge of the tub. I looked at the box of tampons that sat to the side. I contemplated if I wanted to use that or a pad. I just ended up shoving a pad in my boxers and leaving that on. I set the towel on my head, draping it over my shoulders. I went into my room to grab clothes. I saw Naoko sitting on my bed.

"Naoko!" I snatched my towel, using it to cover my midsection.

"Koshi." He looked over.

"I locked the door for a reason! I have no bra! Titties! I have titties!" I went over to my closet and grabbed a flannel and a pair of shorts. "And I have no pants." I slipped on my shorts and buttoned my flannel halfway.

"And I have pants, dick, I have a dick," he said sarcastically. "You make it seem as if I was intently staring at you." He yawned.

"I fucking hate you," I groaned. I kept punching my closet door, leaving a crack.

"Momma is gonna beat your ass if you don't stop." Naoko laughed.

"I'm about to beat your ass in a minute here," I went over to the bed and started punching him. He pinned me down in one swift movement.

"Sure you are. And that is why you are under me right?"

"That just gives me easier access to kick that dick you so very proudly told me you had." Naoko was about to say something when the doorbell rang. I groaned and got up from under Naoko who followed me.

"It's probably the mailman." I rolled my eyes as Naoko snickered. I opened the door, revealing Daichi.

"Sawamura, what are you doing here?" I straightened my posture.

"I was just wondering if I could talk to you real quick," he looked over my shoulder at Naoko.

"Yeah sure," I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I crossed my arms as the wind started to blow.

"I know it's really late in the day, and it's totally random for me to just come out here. But I wanted to ask you something." He said quietly.

"You're all good. I just got home from work late. So I wasn't busy or anything. But yeah. Shoot," I shrugged. He took a deep breath.

"So. I was wondering if you want to go out with me? I know it's so random, but I wanted to make sure that I did it in person instead of over text. But I feel so awkward right now an-" I leaned forward and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"You sure do talk a lot," I laughed.

"Yeah. I just thought you were gonna say no if I'm being honest."

"Does this answer your question though?"

"Definitely," he laughed.

"Good," I smiled. "Well. I would ask if you'd like to come in, but Naoko is here and will cry like a big baby if I don't hang out with him. So, I will see you in two days."

"Two days," he kissed me and smiled. He waved as he walked off. I turned to the door and narrowed my eyes. I slowly turned the knob, but opened the door as fast as I could.

"Oww damnit!" Naoko came out from behind the door.

"I knew it," I laughed.

"You hurt my foot ya turd," he glared at me.

"Shouldn't have been standing behind the door then," I shrugged. I strutted back to my room, Naoko dramatically limping behind me.

"So what happened?" He flopped down on my bed.

"Weren't you listening?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Nope. I couldn't hear shit. I heard only mumbling." He shook his head.

"Well if it compels you so, he asked me out," I went over to my closet.


"Are you mad?" I frowned.

"No. No nonono no. I'm really happy for you. Don't make that face," he came over and engulfed me into a big bear hug. "Don't ever think that I'm not happy for you. I am so very proud that you have your first boyfriend." I pushed him away slightly.

"I've had a boyfriend before!"

"I mean a boyfriend as a boy," he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," I pulled him back into a hug.

"Don't forget about me," he fake sobbed.

"I'm gonna forget about you on purpose just because you did that," I grimaced. "Either way, I don't think I'm gonna forget you, you big baby."

"I'm very honored that you won't forget me, but offended that I'm a big baby."

"Pish posh." I pulled away. I grabbed my duffel bag from under my dresser and opened it.

"Are you packing now?"

"I will forget if I don't." I started pulling clothes out of my dresser. "Holy shit, I literally forgot our birthday is tomorrow."

"Same. It's crazy. Anyways, hurry up and get that done so we can go to sleep." Naoko yawned and went back over to my bed. I neatly folded the clothes and laid them in the bag. I went into my bathroom and packed a small bathroom bag. I opened my mirror to grab something, when I saw a bottle out of the corner of my eye. I pulled it out and read it.

"Naoko, I finally found them!" I rushed back into the room.

"Found what?" He sat up.

"The supplements that stop my period." I read the side of the bottle and took a couple of the supplements. "Hopefully it will be fully stopped by tomorrow." I crossed my fingers and threw the bottle into my bag. I went back into my bathroom and grabbed my bathroom bag. I threw it in my duffel bag and went to my bed. I folded up the big blanket I had, and grabbed my pillow. I put everything in the corner of my room before flopping on the bed next to Naoko and falling asleep. 

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