Welcome to forks!

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Angel had fallen asleep about an hour ago, so Edward unbuckled her seatbelt and lay her down with her head in his lap. Edward always did this if she fell asleep next to him mostly it was so he could see her dreams and make sure she was okay but it also reassured him that she was safe because she was with him.

"Is she having a good dream?" Esme asked glancing back at her children, Edward smiled and nodded " she is, she's dreaming about the birthday we had for her with the Denalis, she is dreaming about when she opened the box with the picture frame that said family always." Everyone in the car smiled at that remembering how emotional the youngest Cullen got when she saw she had been accepted as family. "I remember when I found her and she was so confused as to what was happening." Carlisle started "she had been starving for weeks because she was locked in that basement by her parents that the vampire was able to easily get in bite her, she was scared because she could hear better , see better and was stronger. She was starving because her parents never left her anything to eat, then when I found her and took her hunting she was so scared of herself for killing an innocent animal and she came back crying then she found some food in a dumpster and that was how we found out she could eat food, I'm so glad she can age though, Aro would've never allowed an immortal child to live." Esme nodded, Angel began to wake up and looked up to see her brother stroking her hair, "Hi, Eddie." She mumbled "Hello Angel, did you have a nice sleep?" She nodded "we will be there soon Angel, are you excited? We get to have a big house and you can get a big room and there's a diner and a library, I think you'll Love it here and besides you get to go to school with your brothers and sisters." Angel sat up and rubbed her eyes and looked in the mirror at Carlisle. "I guess I'm excited for getting to go to school with my siblings but I don't like when people talk about us it upsets me and Jasper." Esme was suddenly curious as to how she knew this, "did Jazz tell you this honey?" Angel shook her head "No I felt his sadness when he came near me so I looked in his head and saw it was because of everything people say about him and how he acts." Esme was upset that her son that had been through hell was suffering so much at school.

"I'll talk to him, my love." Carlisle told Esme as he saw how utterly heartbroken she looked.A few minutes later they came up to a sign which said.

Welcome To Forks!

They proceeded to drive into the town and to the address that Carlisle was given, Angel noticed that their new home was on the edge of town but she wasn't complaining they were surrounded by trees and she loved nature and animals. Carlisle had told her that they had been here before they met her so the house already had furniture in it, it was only her room that was plain and they had ordered a bed for her which Emmett and Jasper were picking up in the keep before arriving to the house.

"Wow! Look at this place it's beautiful." Angel looked at the new house made of mostly glass, she had never seen a house like this before so she was so excited to see the inside.

She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt but at a human pace as she didn't know who was around and flung herself out of the car to look around

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She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt but at a human pace as she didn't know who was around and flung herself out of the car to look around. The rest of the family were laughing at the excitement radiating off of the youngest Cullen, they were happy that she was excited to be in a new home, it was no secret to anyone that Angel loved decorating and every Christmas everyone knew never to touch the decorations unless instructed to do so by Angel.

"Can we go for a run in the woods!!!" Angel shouted at her father, practically bouncing off her feet, Alice giggled and Rosalie smirked and walked over to her sister slinging an arm around her shoulder "we can as long as we don't cross over the river border because then we are in the Quileute tribes boundaries and they are well within their rights to attack us." Rosalie told her, angel looked confused "No offence, but there humans so how can the quesadilla-" "Quileute" "- the quileute tribe thank you attack us, I'm not sure if anyone noticed but were vampires." Carlisle chuckled a little and said "there shapeshifters, wolves, we have to take you to meet them so they know that your with us." Emmett's jeep was approaching and Angel could feel her excitement rising Esme had already entered the house so Angel zoomed in the front door no longer caring if anyone saw her super speed and ran into every room shouting about how cool it is. She ran around the living room taking all the sheets off the furniture and rolling them into a ball. She then ran out to the garden and looked at all of the trees and plants surrounding their new house. She was no longer sad about moving because she couldn't wait to get settled into forks and see what it had in store for her, she was excited to learn all the new things in school, because she was going to be put into a higher year so she would no longer be learning the same material school after school.

"Angel come inside so you can pick what you want for dinner!" Esme shouted out to the young girl still sitting in the garden, Angel got up from where she was sitting in the garden and walked inside taking her muddy shoes off by the door so she didn't anger her mother by trailing muddy footprints upstairs. "Hi mama, what do we have to eat?" Angel leaned her chin on her mothers shoulder and wrapped her arms around her from behind as she was sitting at the kitchen island. "Well we don't actually have anything in but I was thinking if you and papa wanted to go into town and go to dinner then you could introduce yourselves and pick up a pizza and other bits and bobs for you." Angel nodded, she knew if she ate some pizza that she could go at least a day or two without any but if she was at school that's usually the only place she ate so she wasn't sick as much as she could eat human food too much made her sick and she still had to consume some blood to stay healthy but at least not as much as the rest of her family so she let go of Esme and went to find Carlisle to ask him if they could go into town.

She found Carlisle in his new study, she knocked the door and waited for an answer even though Carlisle could tell the footsteps he was happy that she practiced her manners instead of bursting into rooms like Emmett. "Come in sweetie it's open." He walked around his desk to lean on the front of it as Angels innocent face peaked around the door "Hi papa." "Hello baby, now what would a face as innocent as that be wanting at this time in the day huh?" He opened his arms and Angel was more than happy to walk into them. Angel spoke into his jumper muffling her words, so Carlisle pushed her back slowly and lifted her chin "I know I have good hearing but even I can't hear when you talk into my jumper." Angel giggled and blushed a little bit "I said, mama said to ask you if we could go to the diner to pick up a pizza for me and then we can introduce ourselves and you can tell them about your new job!" Angel was very excited to meet new people she just didn't like how they spoke about her family, Carlisle took his chin between his thumb and pointer and pretended to be thinking really hard "hmmm I don't know sweetie." He saw how her face fell slightly he knew she fell for the joke so he told her "Of course we can go, grab your coat and shoes and meet me at my car." He kissed her forehead and she zoomed out of the room.

She's too precious for this world Carlisle thought. And he was definitely right.

Authors note

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