The Trial

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Angel and Roxy were showing the kids around Volterra with Sorella, and the three kids were having a great time exploring the markets and going into different shops, the trial wasn't for another two hours so the Cullens had all split up to explore and looks around because it was a particularly cloudy day, so they were able to look around the area. "Are you ready for this?" Roxy asked Angel who just sighed "I honestly don't know Roxy... I know that what Aro did was wrong and he deserves to be punished but I don't think I'll ever say that anyone deserves to be killed." Angel says and Roxy nods her head and squeezes Angels hand whilst she smiles at her mate "well at least the kids like Italy." She points out and Angel looks at the smiles on the kids faces as they skip ahead with Renesmee and Sorella stays close beside them "they do love to explore huh?" Angel says and Roxy nods her head and swings their hands a bit, her wedding ring shining on her finger, it had become a very regular occurrence for Roxy to show off her wedding ring but Angel had a suspicion that it was to warn people to back off, they had been out many places and Roxy had made a very big point to show that Angel was her wife and it did make Angel laugh and gave her an excuse to tease her but Roxy just used the excuse that it was a 'wolf' thing even though she was now a vampire.

"MOMMA!!! MAMMY!!!" The kids screamed running to their now very alert parents "yes are you okay?!" Angel asks crouching down but when she sees they're still smiling she takes a deep breath "CAN WE HAVE ICE CREAM!!" Raelynn practically screeched and Angel takes another deep breath as Roxy laughs "that's all you wanted to know?" She laughs and the kids nod "yes." Silas answers and Roxy laughs more "sure, here... take this cash, get momma cookies and cream if they have it okay and strawberry for me yeah?" Roxy says and the kids nod and run of repeating their parents order as they do and Angel and Roxy walk behind them after Angel stood back up and took Roxy's hand again, "these kids will give me heart attacks I'm telling you." Angel says to her mate who just laughs it off and smirks at her as they get to the cafe selling the ice cream "and who is this one for little boy?" The server asks Silas and he smiled "it's for my momma." He says proudly as they walk in "that would be me." Angel says putting a hand on Silas's shoulder who had started eating his ice cream before it melts in the cone, "here you are madame." The man hands it over before going to make one more ice cream and hands it to Roxy and Silas hands the man the money that he had gotten from Roxy. The family had all had their ice cream and Renesmee had eaten some as well and all three kids had managed to get completely covered in the ice cream so Angel had to get some tissues to wipe their faces because technically they were a lot younger than they looked, they kept wandering through the streets until they had to go up to the castle and the kids were allowed to stay in the library whilst the trail was taking place down stairs and Felix was going to stay there with them to watch them for the others, it was only down the corridor from where the trial was being held but they were being safe rather than sorry especially when it came to the kids.

Angel and Roxy stood side by side in front of their family whilst everyone entered for the trial, Caius and Marcus were standing in front of everyone and Angel sent Marcus a quick mental message to ask him if he was okay and if he would be able to manage this, to which he replied back that he was okay and he was grateful for her support and concern for him, Angel looked around to see many different vampires and members of different covens as well and it shocked her, there was so many people in this room who were there to see a man get executed for revenge and they were all probably excited to see it as well which did make her feel a little bit sick just having to think about it, she was wondering would this be happening if she never told everyone the truth, she believed that if she hadn't revealed what she knew about Didyme's death that Aro would still be in power running the Volturi, speaking of which Aro had been dragged into the room by guards who held onto his arms to stop him from running away and as soon as he walked in the room almost everyone's expressions on their faces turned to glares at the sight of the former king and he was dragged to the middle of the room for everyone to see and Angel could see fear in his eyes and she could feel it radiating off him and so she knew that Jasper would as well, she watched as Marcus stepped forward with a stern and unforgiving look on his face "Aro, you have been brought in here to face a trial and to take responsibility for what you have done before your fate is carried out." Marcus says and Caius steps forward beside his brother "the charges are as follows murder, treason and conspiracy to commit murder amongst others." Caius states and Marcus nods and looks back towards Aro "do you have anything you want to say for yourself?" Marcus says to him and he smirks "what does it matter what I say brother, if my fate is already sealed?" Aro says the word brother bitterly as if stings to say the word and as soon as Aro finished speaking people from the crows begin to shout at him calling him every name under the sun and Angel shakes her head disappointed, she had genuinely thought that Aro might have tried to plead his case but clearly not. "So to be clear you have nothing to say about what you have done?" Caius confirms and Aro looks over at him "I have no regrets, and if I had to do it all over again I would... there is that wanted you wanted me to say?" Aro asks them and they both glare down at him, clearly the man they thought he was is dead.

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