Its Freezing!

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The girls were on the plane and Roxy felt Angels hand tightening she looked over and saw Angel holding her breath, "are you okay?" She whispered in Angels ear and she looked at Roxy slightly desperate, Roxy noticed that Angels eyes had darkened to an almost black colour, they were a very dark gold "yeah I just have to hunt as soon as we get to the Denali's." She said and Roxy nodded "we only have about 30 minutes left, will you be okay?" Roxy asks her and she nods pushing her head into Roxys neck as her blood didn't tempt her in the slightest, if anything it soothed her so she breathed in Roxy's scent and stayed calm and collected. As soon as the plane landed Roxy and Angel we're basically the first ones off the plane and heading to baggage collection so they could get out of there. Roxy held Angels hand tightly as they waited for their bags, as soon as Roxy sees them they grab them and leave, there looking around for the Denalis when they hear a squeal "AHHH MY GIRLS!!" They hear Kate before they see her and then they are both grabbed and pulled into someone's arms "Kate!" The two girls cheered and she pulled away from them with a smile. "It's so good to see you both again. Your so cute together." Kate said making Angel and Roxy blush and smile before Kate took note of Angels eyes "you need to hunt." She said and Angel nodded, "okay let's go!" She said smiling and they left the airport heading towards the car park, as soon as the girls stepped out side Roxy gasped and crossed her arms "It's freezing!" She squeaked and Kate laughed at her "Tanya packed a coat for you both in the car so the quicker we get there the better." She said and Roxy immediately sped up her walking and when they saw the car Carmen was holding out jackets towards the girls and Roxy bolted towards her quickly hugging the woman before putting the jacket on and zipping it up, Angel and Kate walked over slower and Angel hugged Carmen before putting the jacket on, "thanks." She said with a smile and Carmen nodded smiling back at her as they got into the car "everyone is so excited to see you both again and Irina is looking forward to meeting you Roxy." Carmen said with a smile and Roxy smiled back at them and Angel looked out the window with a smile "wait until you see the house! It's huge!" Angel said smiling and Roxy nodded her head and took the camera off "we are now in Alaska and we are off to the Denalis home in the mountains!" She says smiling at the camera "I don't know if you'll survive up there Roxy it's even colder up there." Angel teases and Roxy's smile drops "your joking, fyi it's freezing here and if Kate and Carmen never brought jackets I would be a snowman." Roxy says to the camera before turning it to the window and showing the snow covered ground before she stopped recording "so what's the idea with the camera then?" Kate asks and Roxy smiled "well I've recorded everywhere we've been and I'm making our travels into a little movie." Roxy said smiling and Kate nodded her head whilst Carmen was driving, Angel was thinking about the last time she was here in Alaska and it brought a smile to her face, Roxy was watching their surroundings as she held onto Angels hand on the middle seat of the car.

Angel was sitting in her room with a new book Carlisle brought home for her she was rereading it as she had finished it the day before, she didn't really go outside since he had saved her, the book was called Crime and Punishment, she thought it was funny because the main message was about alienation from society and here Angel was... alienated from society, sure it was for her protection but she couldn't help but find it a little humorous, she was sitting by the window where raindrop's decorated the glass and she decided to put her book down and watch the rain fall down the window, she was happy sitting in the silence watching the rain it made her feel... calm, she had no idea how long she sat there but she heard a voice call out "Angel! Hunny I'm home!" She heard Carlisle call out "my room." She said and she knew he heard her because she heard his steps approach the room door and she watched Carlisles head pop round the door frame and he smiled softly at her as she never moved from her place beside the window, she was almost in a hypnotic state from watching the rain, "watching the rain?" He asked and she nodded wordlessly "how long have you been doing that?" He asks curiously and she just shrugged her shoulders not really knowing. "Couple hours... maybe." She says and Carlisle chuckles "it's weird rain... it's supposed to be sad when it rains because it's no longer sunny anymore but... I quite enjoy the rain, there is something so calming about it... so natural, I like watching it, it's addicting watching two little raindrops race each other down the window, even listening to the rain there is something very calming about it." She says and Carlisle just nods crossing the room and sitting down by the other window still leaving plenty of space between the two of them which Angel really was grateful for, don't get her wrong she loved Carlisle but sometimes he could be a little bit... over affectionate? She didn't know if that was the right word, maybe she just found it a bit much because she wasn't used to it... maybe if she got used to it she would love all the affection and comfort that Carlisle was happy to give her. The two sat in silence and watched the rain not either of them saying a word until Angels stomach started to growl in hunger making Carlisle laugh and Angel blush "well that's my cue to get a move on, any preference?" He asked her and she thought for a minute "ham sandwich? Please?" She asked and Carlisle nodded leaving the room leaving Angel ice again to watch the rain outside.

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