Well That's your future

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Authors note- there is a lot of spoilers or hints into future events! I'm giving everyone a heads up before they start reading that there are spoilers for future events in this chapter!

Roxy looked down at the tarot cards before she looked back up at Mickey, "ehh... let's just do them in the order I seen them?" She said but it sounded more like a question, he nodded "if tha's what you want to do," he said and she nodded, he ordered the cards the way she wanted to see them.

He picked up the first card, "now, the death card isn't what is seems, it doesn't necessarily mean yer gonna die, most of the time it signifies transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go or release, when you t'ink about it, it's actua...

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He picked up the first card, "now, the death card isn't what is seems, it doesn't necessarily mean yer gonna die, most of the time it signifies transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go or release, when you t'ink about it, it's actually one of the most positive cards in the deck. The Death card signals that one major phase in yer life is endin, and a new one is goin te start. Ya just need te close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs te be placed behind ya, so ya can focus yer energy on what is ahead of ya." Micky explained and Roxy nodded feeling a bit more relaxed about it now, "are ye ready for this, Roxy?" Micky asked and she nodded, he picked up the card and held it to his face just in front of his right eye, before he closed both eyes and opened them, his eyes white before Roxy's vision was filled with a white light, before it cleared...

Roxy and Micky were now standing in a bedroom, "does this place look familiar Roxy?" He asked and she nodded her head, "it's Angels bedroom." Micky took a look around and saw paper butterflies on the wall and smiled "bloody lass and 'er butterflies." He said laughing, Roxy saw herself lying on the bed, she watched Angel come into the room with a jacket in her arms she walked over to the wardrobe which was behind Micky to put it away, she walked through Micky to get to it and Roxy was confused "can't she see us?" She said and he shook his head, they watched her go and sit on the bed beside Roxy and she picked up one of Roxy's hand and she started crying "I'm so sorry, I don't even know if you can hear me... but I'm sorry Roxy, I hope you can forgive me... I didn't have any other choice... I couldn't lose you, I wouldn't lose you," she said crying as she moved Roxy's hair out the way, Roxy gasped, she could see the outline of a bite mark on her neck, along with some visible bruises on her arms and neck, she looked over at Micky who even looked shocked, the world around them blurred before clearing up.

They were in the woods and there was a group of vampires standing there, they could tell they were vampires by the few red and gold eyes visible, some Roxy knew from the Denali coven but some she had never seen, there was a small girl in front of the group whilst Roxy and Angel were crouched infront of the little girl, "watch this next." Roxy said winking at the small girl, Roxy put her fist out facing upwards, before she opened her hand and a flower grew in the palm of her hand, she handed it to the small girl, who gasped and smiled before she drew a circle in the air with her finger and a flower crown formed around the small girls head, Roxy was in shock watching her future self, "but- but how?" She said to Micky who sighed he looked sad "look at 'er eyes." He said and she noticed the golden eyes, the small girl gasped and giggled, "do I look pretty auntie Angel?" She asked and Angel nodded, "the prettiest Nessie-girl." Angel smiled at her before they could see anything else Roxy felt a tugging feeling on her and she blinked.

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