Sunset Cliff Talks

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The girls had decided to get some time out of the house as everyone was panicking and freaking out about Alice's vision and they were now on top of a hill, the same one Angel had ran to the other day when Carlisle found her, Roxy and Angel were sitting on the edge of the cliff holding hands, "what are we going to do? They're coming to kill us aren't they " Roxy asked Angel turning to face her and Angel never nodded or shook her head, she just sat there looking out towards forks "I... I'm not one hundred percent sure, I mean I have an idea but your not gonna like it. But I would never let anyone hurt you or take you away from me." Angel said with her voice thick with emotion and Roxy was curious but also slightly worried to hear what Angel was going to say "what's your plan?" Roxy asked and Angel sighed "I know some people that could help be witnesses, but we can't tell our family that, they would never us go. We have to just leave, we have to make them think that we're switching sides or something, other wise Papa is going to come after us. I know we have at least a few weeks to get this done, but we have to leave right away..." Roxy could tell that Angel didn't want to do it "You know that I'll follow your plan no matter what, right?" Roxy said to Angel making sure the girl knew that she had her support no matter what before adding "no matter what, we made a pact to always trust each other and support each other no matter what, if you have a plan, then we do it, they'll forgive us when they find out what we were really doing, you know they will," Roxy said looking in Angels eyes and joining there hands together and she could tell that Angel appreciated the physical touch "the real question is are you sure you want to do this?" Roxy asked her and Angel sighed and put her hand on Roxy's cheek stroking it before she dropped her hand again to hold Roxy's as she thought "I... I don't know..." Angel said her eyes filling up, but Roxy didn't know if it was in frustration or in fear. Roxy pulled Angel towards her and wrapped her arms around her as she cried "I mean what if this is really it? We don't know what's going to happen... and everyday I can feel it getting stronger, when you were hurt I felt it take over, this feeling inside... I don't want to lose control again, I can't let it happen again..." She says to Roxy, she looked like she was about to break completely and Roxy held her face in her hands calming her down, they hadn't had much time to just talk everything had been crazy lately and this was kinda their only moment of calm "if this is it, if it is the end then we face it... together. I will help you stay in control, if you don't feel like you can stay in control I'll help you, I'll always have your back... " She said trailing off making Angel laugh and wipe her eyes "as long as you have mine." Angel said and Roxy smiled at her before she leaned towards Angel "forever." She whispered before she kissed Angel and pulled back to look at her again "who is it we're going to see?" Roxy asks her and Angel sighs "someone the Volturi doesn't like very much but we also have to go back to the Amazon, we need all the help that we can get and I know some people that will help us... unfortunately two of them are not very well liked." Angel says and Roxy raises her eye brow "who are they?" She asks and Angel looks back out at forks again "they're Romanian vampires, some of the oldest, you remember when we met Stefan and Vladimir well it's them they were the ones who attacked the Volturi when Dydme was killed, it was their coven... they kinda stay on the down low now but anytime that they hear of somebody challenging the Volturi they show up, they don't really tend to leave Romania unless they have to." Angel says and she closes her eyes for a second, she had been feeling a small pain in her chest for a while but she didn't want to worry anyone about it so she kept quiet and she most definitely didn't want to tell them now that they were about to fight the Volturi, but she knew what was happening to herself, unfortunately for her Roxy noticed her painful expression.

"Hey what is it?" Roxy asks her and she puts a smile to face Roxy "nothing moon I'm all good." She says and Roxy doesn't believe her "I know your lying to me, what's wrong Angel? Please... you know you can tell me anything right? I'm here for you..." Roxy says and Angel sighs and looks at her mate "do you remember back when I was attacked by James and I was in the hospital?" She says to Roxy who remembers it and nods her head confused by what this had to with anything "yes of course I do, what does that have to do with anything?" Roxy asks her and Angel sucks in a breath rubbing her chest, Roxy was wondering why she couldn't feel it "I don't think papa realises that I could hear some of your conversations whilst I was unconscious... I know about his theory... Roxy..." She looked at her mate who was putting the pieces together in her own head "No..." she said quietly remembering Carlisle's words 'I think Angel is dieing.' She remembered the discussion they had "No! No! NO!" Roxy says getting louder and Angel just pulls her into a hug again letting her cry into her chest as she let a few tears of her own fall "I'm dying Roxy... slowly but I am dying." She finally admits to herself and Roxy continues crying "you can't... you can't die..." she cries and Angel just shushes her "it's okay Roxy... I'm still here for now, and right now we have to protect Renesmee, she's the number one priority so right now we have to focus on her because if anything were to happen to her because people were too busy trying to help me... I would never forgive myself." Angel says and Roxy wipes venom from her face as she notices some of the plant and grass near them have died "Do you ever take one second to just think about yourself? Like ever... do you ever just take five seconds to put yourself before others?" Roxy asks her and she sighs and wraps her arms around Roxy's waist and the girl moves closer sitting between Angel's legs resting against her chest "How... how long do you think?" Roxy asks and Angel takes in a shaky breath, "I... I don't know, it doesn't feel... it doesn't feel unbearable ya know? It's kinda like this reminder in my chest of what's going to happen to me I guess." Angel says and Roxy is sniffling in her arms as they watch the sun begin to set "Why can't you ever catch a break? It's always you... your parents, Tyler's van, Bella, James, Your father, The Volturi and now the venom that turned you in the first place, you never catch a break... it's not fair." Roxy says and Angel just kisses her head and leans her own head on top of Roxy's "life isn't fair Rox." she says quietly and Roxy just hums and moves her head to look up at her mate "I promise you that I will do everything in my power to save you Angel... I love you." She tells her and Angel leans down to kiss her and pulls back with a smile on her face "I love you too Roxy but please I don't want you worrying too much about this... I have still have time... we still have time so lets just make the most of it." Angel tells Roxy and she nods her head and they continue to sit and watch the sun set as Roxy plays around with Angel's fingers and she looks at Angel's wrist and rotates her finger in a circular motion and vines circle her wrist and little pink flowers grow on the newly formed bracelet, and it makes Angel smile at her. The girls continue watching the sun go down when Roxy starts laughing "What?" Angel asks and Roxy pulls away from her to look up at her face "You know we have fought vampires, battled new born armies, travelled around America and parts of Europe but you still struggle to tie your shoelaces in the morning, it will not fail to make me laugh that you can do all this cool stuff but yet you fail to tie your shoelaces in the morning..." Roxy trails off laughing and Angel nudges her shoulder "Oh get lost... come on we better head back and get ready to go and find some witnesses." Angel tells Roxy who nods her head and gets up holding her hand out for Angel to take and she pulls her up and they begin walking hand in hand back to the Cullen house.

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