Playing with powers

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The next day after everyone was awake and ready, Angel seen that Rosalie and Emmett had gone shopping for clothes for Silas and Raelynn, Angel smiled when she saw the clothes and other kiddie supplies that they had bought. They were all sitting at the table in the kitchen eating breakfast "this is so good! What are they?" Raelynn asks with chocolate spread on her face and Angel laughs taking a wipe and cleaning her face "they're pancakes and chocolate spread Raelynn." Roxy explains as Angel finishes wiping her face and she turns to smile at Angel "they're yummy, much better than the plants we had in Brazil." She says and Silas nods his head "oh yeah much better... I hated eating that stuff, leaf's were the worst..." Silas says "it made me feel really icky." He says and Esme and Carlisle look over sadly at the two kids and Angel put her arm around Raelynn and Roxy did the same with Silas "don't worry, you'll always have nice tasty food to eat here, I promise." Angel says and she rests her head on top of Raelynn's and Roxy notices a far off look in her eyes and can only imagine that she is reliving her own childhood being locked in her basement and starved by her birth parents. "So kiddos you wanna play some video games with me? Your cool new uncle Emmett?" Emmett says smirking putting his arms out and both kids look confused "what's a video game?" Silas asks and Emmett gasps "what?!" He says shocked and when he recovers he smiled "only the best thing ever little man, you can find games on anything, you'll love it." He says with a big grin and Angel points at her brother "do not melt their brains with too many video games okay?" She says and Emmett puts his hands up in surrender "yes boss." He says and Roxy looks down at the kids "do you guys wanna go play video games with Emmett?" Roxy asks and Angel notices a butterfly outside and inwardly curses "will you come too?" Raelynn asks Roxy and she nods her head "of course." She smiles and Renesmee who had been sitting in Edward's lap smiles "I'll be there too." She says, Angel thought it was sweet to see Edward being a father towards Renesmee, he hasn't let her out of his sight since she got back, he watched over her whilst she slept because he was paranoid that she'd disappear again, Sorella had been organising a new room for the kids with Marionne and a few of the other new vampires, Bree had caught up with Charlie and as soon as she had saw him she zoomed towards him to hug him tightly but not too tightly so she didn't hurt him, Charlie was happy to see her as well even if it meant seeing Seth follow her around like a lost puppy. Angel snapped out of her thoughts when she feels Raelynn tug on her sleeve and she looks down "sorry sweetie, did you say something?" She asks with a smile "are you going to come play?" She asks and Angel looks between both kids "I will in a little while I have something I have to do first." She says and both kids nod satisfied and go back to talking with Renesmee as Roxy raises an eyebrow at Angel who discreetly points towards the butterflies and Roxy nods and Angel gets up "I'll be back soon." She says but Raelynn is quick to lift her arms for a quick hug and Angel gives her one and places a quick peck on her head before she leaves and begins following the butterflies outside, she walks past many of the new vampires staying there and she just waves and smiles as she walks past and follows the butterflies out to an unknown place, it was a heavily wooded area that Angel had never seen before and she noticed a very agitated Dydme standing waiting

"Do you have any idea how long I've tried to get in touch with you! Angel! This is serious! You cannot go running around get world whilst the Volturi is hunting you! If you were to get hurt before your destiny it would be fatal!" Dydme rambles and Angel is confused and slightly annoyed "excuse me what? If I was to get hurt before my destiny? Have you been lying to me?" Angel asks her and Dydme seems to pause and notice her slip up "I... I didn't mean it like that." She says trying to diffuse the situation "then how exactly did you mean it?" Angel asks her and she sighs and looks at Angel "look I'm sorry but Angel you can't die before you meet the Volturi again, there is a time for everybody that cannot be changed, they are fixed events in time and our job is make sure that the fixed events stayed fixed." Dydme says and Angel is shocked "you... you what... you've been telling me different things for years... all because you had to push me down a path to make sure... what make sure that I die at the right moment?!" Angel shouts genuinely hurt by what's happened and Dydme stays silent "so how many times have you told me something to steer me away from something that could've killed me?" Angel asks and Dydme sighs "look Angel..." she gets cut off by Angel who shakes her head "No! Don't try and lie to me again... you know what I don't want to hear it, I don't care what plan you have designed for me but I'm going to do whatever I think is right to protect those kids and my family." Angel says and Dydme shakes her head "you can't do this Angel! It's too dangerous!" Dydme warns her and she scoffs and turns to face her "No! You don't get to warn me about the danger! You've been lying to me this whole time! Now I know the truth! I thought you were trying to help me!" She shouts and Dydme nods her head "I am trying to help you! I can't allow you to do this! It's not how it is supposed to be!" She tells the girl who now has venom tears running down her face, she can't believe that she's been betrayed by someone she trusted so much "I actually thought you cared about me... turns out your a liar." She says before she turns to walk away "Angel!... for what it's worth... I really am sorry..." She says but Angel just shakes her head and walks away and then she realises where she'd seen all this before, from Micky's tarot card, but that's not exactly how it played out, she was confused and hurt but she decided not to worry about that just now because she has bigger problems such as there was a specific point in time that she was going to die and now she knew it was after she met the Volturi again so she knew she had some time left and she was going to use that to the best of her ability, she wasn't going to play it safe if she was going to die... when Charlie woke up from transitioning into a vampire she had a favour she would ask him.

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