Mrs & Mrs Cullen

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It was the day before the wedding and Angel had noticed more people coming towards the house and she looked and noticed the cloaks instantly so she ran down the stairs and opened the door to hug Marcus tightly and he reciprocated the hug with a small barely noticeable smile "you came!" Angel says happily and Roxy watches from just inside the house with Silas by her side and she smiled as Angel hugs Marcus before she moves on to stand in front of Caius "so is angry man back to normal?" She asks with a smirk and Caius rolls his eyes "you are insufferable, do you know that?" He asks before she smirks and pulls her into a hug which shocks everyone "though I am glad that you are alright even if you do make me want to throw you into an active Volcano." Caius grumbles and Angel laughs as she pulls away "awww, I knew you cared about me." Angel says and Caius just rolls his eyes and walks around her to approach Roxy and Silas recognises the man from the field and steps in front of his mother and puffs his chest out to look brave like his uncle Emmett, he doesn't want his mammy or his momma getting hurt by these men "who's this tough guy?" Caius asks and Silas keeps standing tall as Roxy laughs and ruffles his hair "it's okay Si, these are your mommas friends." Roxy says and Silas looks confused but shrinks into Roxy's side "this is Silas he's our son, he has a sister called Raelynn who's our daughter but right now she's with Renesmee and Sorella doing god knows what." Roxy laughs and Caius holds his hand out to Silas "I am King Caius of the Volturi." He says and Silas shakes his hand before turning into his mother so Roxy picks him up and holds him "please come in inside most people are either upstairs in the kitchen or through in the downstairs living room." She says and Caius enters the house and Demetri and Felix follow whilst Angel hugs the twins. "How are you all doing?" Angel asks and Jane shrugs "With the riots in Volterra it certainly hasn't been easy, it was difficult to see our home on fire but I think everyone has known for a while that Aro shouldn't have been allowed to rule but everyone was too scared to admit it especially with Chelsea on his side." She says and Angel does feel bad for them because they have lived in Volterra for so long but she knows that this had to happen to stop Aro's reign over everyone, "well I hope that you enjoy your stay here in Forks, and that you enjoy the wedding and celebrations that follow it, the only thing I ask is that you respect the members of the quileute tribe that come to the wedding because they are respecting you whilst your here and me and Roxy want no fighting at our wedding okay?" Angel says and the three of them nod and the twins walk towards the house whilst Angel says in Roxys head that she's going to walk around to the back yard with Marcus and Roxy nods and closes the door after the twins come inside, Silas immediately talking to Alec wanting to know him and Jane smiles at the two of them.

Marcus holds out his arm and Angel takes it as they slowly walk around to the garden "How are you doing Marcus? I know it can't be easy for you after everything that happened on that field." Angel says with a guilty tone to her voice and Marcus smiles down at her "im alright Angel... after all this time I've grown accustomed to heartbreak and sorrow, I've learned to just greet it like an old friend Angel." Marcus says and Angel feels the guilt hit her again "but you shouldn't have to feel like that Marcus, I'm sorry I never told you I was seeing her." She says and Marcus shakes his head "it's quite alright Angel, it actually gives me some comfort knowing that Didyme was watching over you and keeping you safe whilst I was in Volterra." He says and Angel nods her head and they continue their walk to the garden "the flowers and plants here are beautiful." Marcus says looking at all the flowers and lights strung up from tree to tree for the wedding and Angel smiled "that's all mama and Roxy, mama grew the ones on the ground and Roxy made the others with her gift." Angel tells him and he nods his head in understanding and the two go and sit down on a bench together to catch up and talk to one another when Angel hears a pitter patter of feet running towards her and a giggling body crashes into her "hi momma." Raelynn says giggling before she quietens down looking at Marcus "hello there mister." Raelynn says quietly and Marcus smiles at her "hello there little one." He says in return and Angel kisses Raelynn's head "you okay baby?" She asks Raelynn who nods and hugs her mother "yeah jus' missed you momma, Nessie is still with auntie Sorella." Raelynn tells her and she nods her head "okay, you wanna sit and talk with me and Marcus for a while then?" Angel asks her and she nods her head and turns to Marcus and begins gushing about her flower girl dress and it makes Angel smile. It's getting later on in the afternoon and Angel and Roxy now couldn't see each other until the wedding and it was already dementing Angel, she wasn't used to not having Roxy around it sounded pathetic but by now she was used to Roxy being with her for everything, she was lying in bed trying to sleep but for some reason she was so nervous and she didn't understand why, she loved Roxy more than life itself and Roxy loved her so she really had no reason to be nervous but still she was so she sent a text to Roxy.

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