Authors note- Would you rather

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So I'm stumped for the next chapter I've got it written but I don't know if I like it enough, so I thought I would give you a choice so...

Would you rather for the tarot card futures... see a big thing that's gonna happen which means you'll know something that happens in the future


would you rather see smaller things that won't have the biggest impact on the future of the story but they still matter ?

I have scenarios for both but I wanted to ask you all so I don't have anyone comment something like "this has just spoiled what's going to happen." So the choice is yours

Also the more I know about what people want the quicker I can get the chapter out, so whenever I see more decisions/votes for one then I'll write the chapter on that decision.

I'll give it until Sunday to see what people say. If anyone has anything else they'd like to see, doesn't even have to be twilight related please let me know!


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