Psyche/Anima= Soul and Spirit

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Sacred animal: Butterflies
—Soul Weapon: Able to summon their soul weapon, a symbiotic weapon that can even slice through dimensions. If the weapon is somehow destroyed, it will go back to the user's soul, but the user will feel immense pain. Their physical abilities become superhuman when their soul weapons are summoned. The weapon gets stronger and gains special powers the stronger the user gets.
—Soul Sovereign: Their souls produce more soul energy and spirit force than normal, their aware of it all, and it's all under their control.
—Fighting Spirit: they have natural fighting instincts along with getting stronger the more they are injured and/or the odds are against them.
—Wings Of Psyche: Able to sprout butterfly wings they can use to fly or expand their abilities.
—Spirit Surge: Their soul and spirit generate a more pure, potent, and powerful quantity of all the various energies that fall under the energy souls produces (Ex: ectoplasm, astral energy, necroplasm, mana, aura). The body will overload if the power isn't used within a certain amount of time. Overuse of any of these energies will cause a spiritual strain.
—Spirit Tap: Can knock people out by touching their souls with their minds.
—Astral Manipulator: Can summon and manipulate Astral energy, allowing them to astral project, gain ESP, or shapeshift the form of their soul-selves, etc.
—Spirit Sense: Able to sense souls. Doesn't work on summoned creatures.
—Psionic Possibilities: Can create and control psionic energy with endless possibilities. Overuse will cause mental strain and being hit in the head will stunt their psionic power temporarily, but the more power they were using, the longer their psyche will need to heal.
—Soul Slash: Can infuse weapons with spirit power. Those cut by said weapons will have their souls temporarily tampered with by the user's will. Able to infuse objects with spirit power for later use
—Ecto Emperor: Can create and manipulate ectoplasm, an energy/substance linked to ghosts and spirits, allowing certain ghost-like abilities when they astral project, call upon the and restless ghost and spirits, strike at the spirit of others when attacking.
—Butterfly Baron: able to summon and control butterflies and/or use their powers and abilities
—Spirit Siphon: Can drain strength from opponents through their souls. Not the soul itself, but its energy.
—ManaMancer: Able to summon and control mana, magical energy produced by the soul. This would allow the user to power to use magic.
—Soul Power: Their intent has a big effect on the damage their powers can do and the more their soul is used, the stronger it gets. Any powers that damage the soul of other living things will not permanently damage or kill them unless the user wants it with every fiber of their being.
—Spirit Steroid: Able to enhance their own physical abilities or the abilities of others with any/all of the energies they have at their disposal.
—Necromantic: can summon and control necroplasm, the energy of the dead and dying. The user would be able to convert it to other forms of energy or use it to manipulate the dead to some extent.
—Soul Psychometry: Able to read a person's soul. Which means they always know the best words to bring a person up or take them down.
—Vizer Of The Vessel: Can gain complete and full control over their body and all it's capabilities, enabling them to manipulate any bodily capabilities such as any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physiological capabilities, any/all physical and mental attributes, and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, like bio-fields, bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-energy, rhythm, and much, much, more. Over output of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
—Swarm: Can turn into a giant swarm of butterflies. As long as one butterfly exists, the user can survive the rest being annihilated.
—Soul Speed: Able to detach part or all of their soul and move it to a different place within their vicinity followed by their body in a split second, giving the user the power to go anywhere their soul could get to in long or short bursts of speed, regardless of whether on not their body could do it or not.

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