Thanatos/Mors or Letus= Death

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Sacred Symbols: Sword and Butterflies.

—Astral Almighty: Can create and manipulate astral energy, control the astral plane, astral project not to just one place, but multiple places at once like their father, and sense and perceive all nether elements
—Darkness Dominator: Able to control darkness and shadows, see in the dark, shadow travel, are more powerful in dark places, and can use darkness and shadow magic of any kind since their father is an underworld deity who's also descended from Nyx/Nox (and sometimes Erebus/Erebos/Scotus).
—Astral Alpha: Their bodies generate Astral energy and the energies that fall under it to a higher degree.
—Death Compass: Able to sense death. Can tell exactly how a person died just by looking at their grave or the place they died. Can be turned off if wanted, but turns on automatically if family and friends are endangered.
—Necromancy: can summon and control the dead of any type, create, shape, and manipulate death-related curses, see ghosts and spirits, and basically use any magic on the necromantic spectrum.
—Wings Of Death: Can sprout black angel wings they can use to fly. Able to shoot spines that freeze people by immobilizing their shadow from the wings.
—Astral Command: Can control their own bodies while astral projecting as naturally as if they were still in them. If the user is doing using Astral Command, you wouldn't even know or be able to tell because they're moving their physical bodies so naturally, unless you see their eyes, which are close, or try and talk to them, which they can't because they're asleep. Does not use any power at all. No one can control their bodies but them while in this state.
However, their physical bodies still get exhausted. The user will feel whatever physical exhaustion or pain their body has got while they were "out" when they stepped back "in".
—Baron Of Blood And Bone: Able to create, enchant, alter, and manipulate blood and bones, primarily their own and bones of the dead, and control any of its properties, sense blood on other creatures. Can also summon and control animal bones as well. Able enhance their physical attributes in whatever way they see fit by controlling their own bones and blood accordingly. Can only control the blood and bones of other living creatures if the creature(s) in question are physically weaker than the user. Their body's blood production is amplified heavily while using this power if their channeling from themselves and bone manipulation from themselves don't hurt in any way.
—Deathly Dicer: Can infuse weapons with any of the energies or magic at their disposal or darkness.
—Angel Of Death: Able to summon their shadow as an "Angel Of Death", a demon that kills with a touch on the user's command
—Egodeath: Able to put opponents through ego death, death of oneself.
—Dark Energy Architect: Can make objects out of any of the energies at their disposal or darkness.
—Shadow Lightning: able to summon and control Shadow Lightning, a dark energy that can burn, drown, freeze, cut, electrocute, and poison depending on whatever pain of death the user makes opponents feel. This means opponents are only feeling it, not actually dying. Able to infuse weapons with this lightning.
—Deathly Dominion: Able to create, shape, and manipulate nether, the sixth classical element that flows through all underworld-like dimensions, and all forms of death force, which is the essence of death, that which allows for Death, Decay, and Destruction to exist and causes all things to weaken, rot, wither, and eventually die. (A/N: opposite to life force, which causes all things to flourish, prosper, grow, and live.) This is the most draining power they have.
—Astral Guard: Are immune to any mental and physical control when astral projecting
—Ecto Emperor: Can manipulate ectoplasm, an energy/substance linked to ghosts and spirits, allowing certain ghost-like abilities when they astral project, call upon the restless ghost and spirits, strike at the spirit of others when attacking. The potential depends on the user's creativity.
—Butterfly Baron: able to summon and control butterflies and/or use their powers and abilities.
—Nocturnal Knight: Can communicate with and control any/all nocturnal creatures, shapeshift into them fully, partially, or as a huge swarm that can be used for regeneration, use the physical attributes and special abilities/adaptions of any/all nocturnal creatures, use any nocturnal magic, and are stronger and more powerful at night since their father is a son of Nyx/Nox
—Astral Guard: Are immune to any mental and physical control when astral projecting
—Absolute Intent: Their intent has a big effect on the damage their powers can do. No matter how what their emotional state is, no how much they use any of their death powers on the living, it will not kill anything unless they want with EVERY fiber of their being to actually kill. Blood lust can not cause the user's death powers to kill either, Meaning the user can spar with others using their death-related powers to their full extent without worrying about killing anyone or anything.
—Necromantic Knight: can absorb, generate, and manipulate necroplasm, the energy of the dead and dying. Can be used to enhance undead soldiers or anything creative ideas the user can think of.
—Lethal Enhancer: Able to use any or all of the energies under their control to enhance their physical and mental attributes on command. Different energies, combinations of them, and infusion control will have different effects
—Swarm: Can turn into a giant swarm of butterflies. As long as one butterfly exists, the user can survive the rest being annihilated.
—Master Of The Bone And Blood: Able to manipulate any bodily capabilities, giving them full and absolute control over their bodies, allowing them to manipulate capabilities such as any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physiological capabilities, any/all physical and mental attributes, and and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, like bio-fields, bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-energy, rhythm, and much, much, much more. Over output of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
—Astral Regen: Can use some of their astral power to heal injuries on their physical body.
—Sovereign Sage Of Swords: Can create, customize, alter, enchant, and manipulate any kind of sword(s) the user can think of out of nothing and/or their own power with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user. Magical, mystical, otherworldly, and technological included
—Keep The Shears Away, You Old Hags: Able to bring people back from the brink of death And/or can keep the Fates from cutting their string or someone else's, but unless they can be healed faster enough, said-person will die

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