Chapter Seven

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A bit after me and Toby finish the movie, Blue wakes up. I hear him shuffling through the hallway and into the living room with me and tubbs.

"Morning sunshine" i laugh.

He rolls his eyes and i stand up, walking into the kitchen. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen, please?" I say, tapping his shoulder.

He nods and follows me. "Do you want to try to eat?" He closes his eyes and takes a really deep breath. "It's okay. I can make something really small. Can you please try?"

Blue's pov:

He said please.. Normally that would make no difference, but his voice.. He was so sweet to me. He tried so hard. He was really trying to help. "I'll try." I simply say.

He smiles and opens the fridge. "TUBBO WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER?" He yells. "NOT AMERICAN FOOD!" Toby yells back. Ranboo stands there almost in disbelief. I burst out into laughter and Ranboo punches me in the arm playfully.

He begins making dinner. He decided he would just make pancakes. Im actually a little excited. I really am going to try this time. I have to do it. I have to, for him.

Back to Ranboo's pov yuh:

I'm glad he agreed to try and eat, obviously, but what if he breaks down in front of Toby?? What if he doesn't end up eating? "WAH" My hand hit the hot pan as the pancake batter was cooking and it left a nasty burn on my wrist, right below my thumb.

Blue comes running in, almost slipping. I slightly laughed and he was freakin out. "What happened?? Are you alright?" I laughed at his concerning face. "Yes im okay. Im gonna go wash this. Can you finish the pancakes?" He nods and i leave. "What happened? I didn't wanna get up. Im comfy." Tubbo says, flipping through Netflix. I show him my hand and say i burned it on the pan.

I made my way out of the living room, down the hall, into the bathroom. I cleaned it and went back to the kitchen. By then, Blue had made about 20 pancakes. I didn't know I even had that much batter. He turns and smiles at me. "I cook most mornings when im awake back home. I didn't mean to make this many heh.." I laugh and grab three paper plates. (Not that styrofoam stuff. That disintegrates under the heat. Nuh uh.) I grab plastic forks and syrup and head into the living room after Blue.

He hesitantly grabs a small pancake and puts it on his plate. He reaches for the butter and puts some on his pancake as well. Je didn't use syrup. It was odd, but alright get it I guess. I don't stare while he eats, as that can make him anxious and not want to eat anymore.

I see out if the corner of my eye that he taks a bite and i slightly smile.


After everyone is done eating, i take everyone's plates to the kitchen. Blue follows to get a drink of water. "Hey, you did really well. You ate half. That's progress. Im proud of you." I say, throwing away the plates. He smiles and starts tearing up. He pulls me into a tight hug and I wrap my arms around him. I hear a muffled "thank you" and i rub circles in his back as a response.

We soon pull away and walk back into the living room with toby. "Is he already asleep? Its like 9." Blue says, quietly laughing. I pull him into our room so we don't wake him up.

"Do you want to go see the forest? Toby told me there's a clear spot where we can see the sky, just a little inti the wood." Blue asks.

I smile and agree. "Yes! Lets go lets goooo" I say, basically dragging him.

"I gotta get shoooes hold on!! You need shoes too! Go on then, grab your shoes sIR" he put emphasis on the 'sir.' It made me laugh. We get our shoes on, after like.. FOREVER! Then we leave. Of course we left a not for tubbo, if he woke up tonight, that is.

Blue leads me into the forest where there was a clear spot where the moonlight was hitting the leaves on the trees and the patch of grass that lied on the ground. He walked over and sat down, looking up at the sky. He looked like he didn't have any worries, any fears, just him and the stars. I walk over and sit next to him, also looking to at the sky.

He lies his head on my shoulder for a moment before laying down on the grass. He pulled me down and we both burst into fits of laughter. After we settle down a bit, it goes silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, but a comfortable one instead. It was like nothing else in the whole world mattered. Almost like the earth could start crumbling beneath us and neither of us would be fazed. I hear blue's hand wonder around the grass and feel it touch my hand. He locks his fingers with mine and i tighten my grip on his hand. I think.. No.. It can't be right. Not now. He had a horrible day. Not now.

"Ranboo?" He says turning to his side, holding his head up with his hand.

"Blue?" I mock, also turning and doing the same.

"Can i have your advise on something sort of serious?" I look at him concerned.

"Of course, anything."

"Okay.. Here goes nothing. I like someone. I don't know how to tell them. He's a really close friend of mine, and i don't want to mess up what ws already have by admitting my feelings to him."

My heart drops. He likes someone else?

"Go on. What are they like? Do i know him?"

"I think so. Maybe not. He's tall and sort of.. Lanky? Yes, lanky. He doesn't seem to not like me, per say.. He just doesn't show much affection. Neither do i, but I'm just so confused about it. He has really fluffy hair. It's like .. Cotton.. Except softer. He's really sweet. He doesn't know about my feelings, obviously, but sometimes i wish he did. Sometimes i with i could just grab him and kiss him. I wish i was that brave."

I just sit there in shock. "Tell him. Its the best thing to do. If someone wants to ruin a friendship just because the other likes them, they're losing one of the best people I know. You gotta go for it. Even if you lose him."

I'm trying to be cool about this whole thing. I've been holding back tears this whole time. He likes someone else. It's my fault for getting my hopes up.

"Ranboo?" He says, like earlier.

"Blue?" I mock, again, like earlier.

"What would you do if your best friend like you?" He says, now on his back looking up at the stars.

"You're my best friend. Unless you mean toby. I think hes straight. If he liked me i wouldn't care. I still love him all the same. Why?"

"Hm. No reason."

We sit in silence once again. Only this time, it was uncomfortable silence. The silence was so loud.

"We should go in." I finally break it.

He nods and we head inside.

1241 sorry for the boring chapter, I'm just bored. This story will be a lot more exciting in the next few chapters. I hope you enjoyed this snippet :)

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