Trevenant x Ghost! Reader x Snorlax

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(Get ready for feeeeeels)
Requested by the lovely corvid, @stabbytheknife!~

(Region not specified.)

(Reader's pronouns are he/they, as requested.)
(Also sorry if it's not exactly what you requested, I was trying to follow along and then next thing I know it's writing itself.)

~ Still Here ~

Your Snorlax sat in front of your grave, frowning down at it. After going through so much with it as your trusty partner, you had ended up catching a horrible illness that rendered you bedridden until your final days. Whenever it could, Snorlax would sit with you, offering support. It made sure you ate, made sure you took your meds on time, and even tried going against it's nature to sleep to watch over you.
But it still wasn't enough in the end, and you fell to your illness, and since then Snorlax would sit at your grave. Townsfolk would come by regularly to make sure it was still eating and taking care of itself, not wanting your spirit to grow worried or upset your Snorlax wasn't in the best of health even without you there.

"I miss it..." you breathed, staring down at the stump you sat on. You'd awoken in this forest soon after your death, not quite knowing how or why you ended up here. But on the bright side, you'd made friends with a Trevenant.
It had listened as you spilled your story, right from the beginning of your journey to your final moments with Snorlax. The ups and downs you had, the tears of joy and of sorrow.
"I miss Snorlax. I hope it's doing okay."
The tree ghost blinked down at you, looking up in a direction for a moment before walking a few paces in it.
"Where are you going, Trevenant?" You asked softly, sitting up a bit straighter.
The ghost type glanced back at you, before urging you to follow.
"Oh." You stood, floating off of the stump you'd sat upon to follow the Pokémon.
Nighttime began to encroach, but still Trevenant continued on, leading you out of the forest. You spotted a familiar Pokémon sitting at one of the graves.
"Snorlax!" You exclaimed, racing forward to wrap your arms around Snorlax's neck and shoulders, just like you used to.
"Snor...?" The Pokémon seemed a bit confused, not quite putting it together that your spirit was back.
You watched as Trevenant seemed to explain the situation to your Snorlax, to which your trusty partner carefully held your ghostly form, now able to focus on it better.
"Snorlax this is Trevenant," you explained, "it helped me find you again."
You watched as the two shook hands in greeting, and you three all sat in comfortable silence. Just as the sun began to rise, Snorlax stood, beginning to follow Trevenang back into the forest.
Seemed a new journey was beginning for you.

Random QOTD: If you could choose one or two types to primarily train, what type(s) would you choose? I say I'd be a Grass and Ghost type trainer!

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