Chaotic! Young! Reader x Absol

424 9 2

Requested by the lovely corvid, @suchprettyflowers!~

Region: Hoenn
(Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, OmegaRuby, AlphaSapphire)
(Wasn't stated so I guessed :| )


You snickered to yourself as you climbed your way up the tree. You held onto vines and sturdy-looking branches. You wanted to see just how high you could get, and maybe even spot the Swellow nests higher up for a chance to see some baby Taillows!
You reached up to grasp a branch, your other hand reaching for a vine—
You screamed as a Seviper's long, red fangs spring into view, the hissing snake seeming a lot bigger than the pictures you'd seen in schoolbooks.
Your feet and hands weren't on branches anymore.
The wind caused from you falling whipped past you, blowing your hair into your face. A scream ripped from your lungs as you waiting for the dreaded impact of your body on the hard forest floor.
Something softer slipped under you, your hands instinctively finding purchase in the soft fur before you came to a sudden halt, paws thudding against the ground.
You sat there for a moment, your heart beating so fast and loud it was in your ears, your body shaking from the adrenaline. With a few deep breaths, you reached up, brushing your hair back into place for looking towards your savior.
"An... an Absol...?" You breathed, watching as the Pokémon blinked softly at you, sniffing your arm.
"I-I'm okay." You stuttered out, smiling as you shakily got off the Pokémon. "Thank you very much for helping me!"
"I should head home now, Mom gets worried when I'm out for too long." You murmured, glancing up at the darkening sky.
The Absol gently grasped your sleeve, beginning to tug you along the way you had originally came.


"Absol! Use Psycho Cut!"
You grinned as the path was cleared thanks to your Pokémon. All those years ago, after it had saved you from that fall, it has lingered by your side, so it's no surprise its become your first Pokémon.
Stepping past the now-cut fallen tree, you and Absol continued on the forested path.
"Let's see..." you hummed, lifting your hand to your face to block the sunlight as you tried to peer further down the twisted route. Just on the horizon, you could see the town you'd been traveling to.
"Hey, we're almost there, Absol! Let's go!!!"
Just as your foot began to slip out from under you, Absol latched onto your jacket, tugging you back from the ledge. The fall wouldn't have hurt you gravely, but you were sure if you had fallen, you would've had at least one twisted ankle.
You let out a shaky breath, taking a moment to collect yourself before glancing back to your partner.
"Thanks again, Absol. Looks like I owe you another debt."
"Sol..." Your Absol merely shook it head at you, moving to peer over the ledge to look for a safer way down.
Despite your chaotic and slightly reckless nature contrasting with your mellow and careful Absol, you couldn't ask for a better partner.

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